Serial wrapper for Node.js
This is a Node.JS module, using serialport
and @serialport/parser-readline
The vision is to largely simplify connecting to serial devices.
This module uses simplified API calls, similar to the Arduino Serial function.
This module also supports automatic reconnecting on connection loss and some simple live diagnostics (info) for status and debugging.
Installation is simply done by using NPM:
npm i vovk-serial
Bellow is a quick example of the use of this library:
const SerialConnection = require('vovk-serial')
const Serial = new SerialConnection // Create a new serial connection
let port = 'COM3'
let baud = 115200
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/* CONNECTING to device/port
* When calling `begin`, the instance qill try to connect to serial port.
* On connection loss or any error, it will try to reconnect forever,
* until connected or Serial.end() is called
// Option 1:
Serial.begin(port, baud) // Start connection with direct port and baudrate input
// Option 2: // Recomended if the user is selecting `port` and `baudrate` from
// a dropdown and clicking connect button to toggle `begin`
Serial.port(port) // Choose port - Default: '' - will only work if not connected
Serial.baudrate(baud) // Choose baudrate - Default: 115200 - will only work if not connected
Serial.begin() // Start conenction with predefined input
// Option 3:
Serial.baudrate(baud) // Choose baudrate - Default: 115200
Serial.begin(port) // Start connection with direct port input and predefined baudrate input
let curentlySelected_port = Serial.port() // The function call always returns selected port
let curentlySelected_baud = Serial.baudrate() // The function call always returns selected baudrate
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// DISCONNECTING from device/port (planned)
Serial.end() // End serial connection, including reconnect calls
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// READING from Serial
// Option 1: - Standard event: Recommended
Serial.onRead(data => {
console.log(`${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} > read: ${data}`) // Optional logging of received data from serial
// Option 2: - Arduino style / legacy: Not recommended but still works
const read = () => {
if (Serial.available()) {
const data = // Important: returns whole packet of data, not just characters!!!
console.log(`${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} > read: ${data}`) // Optional logging of received data from serial
setInterval(read, 10) // Check for new data every 10 ms (example)
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// WRITTING to Serial
Serial.write('test') // Sends 'test' string to Serial device
Serial.print('test') // Sends 'test' string to Serial device (same as `write`)
Serial.println('test') // Sends 'test\r\n' string to Serial (same as `write` but adds carrier return new line at the end of the string)
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// Event triggered when connected to device
Serial.onConnect(() => {
console.log(`Serial ${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} connected!`)
Serial.println(`Hello World`) // Sends 'Hello World' to connected serial port when connection is established with carrier return and new line
// Event triggered when reconnected to device from an unexpected disconnect
Serial.onReconnect(() => {
console.log(`Serial ${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} reconnected!`)
// Event triggered when disconnected from device
Serial.onDisconnect(() => {
console.log(`Serial ${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} disconnected!`)
// Event triggered when error triggered from connecting to the device
Serial.onError(() => {
console.log(`Serial ${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} connection ERROR!`)
// Event triggered when data outgoing - usually not needed
Serial.onWrite(data => {
console.log(`${Serial.port()}@${Serial.baudrate()} < write: ${data}`) // Display data sent to serial port for debugging
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// Use of debug for verbose Serial status output
Serial.debug(false) // Default: false - so this function call is not needed if not used
// Reconnect interval - time in millis between retrying to connect on connection failure
Serial.reconnectInterval(1000) // Default: 1000 ms
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const updateSerialStats = () => {
const port_list = Serial.list() // Shows available serial ports (array of objects)
console.log(`Available Serial ports (${port_list.length}):`)
port_list.forEach((item, i) => {
console.log(`\tPort ${i} info:`)
console.log(`\t\tpath: ${item.path}`)
console.log(`\t\tmanufacturer: ${item.manufacturer}`)
console.log(`\t\tserialNumber: ${item.serialNumber}`)
console.log(`\t\tpnpId: ${item.pnpId}`)
console.log(`\t\tvendorId: ${item.vendorId}`)
console.log(`\t\tproductId: ${item.productId}`)
// Do something with the port list ...
const info = // Shows serial info (object)
console.log(`Serial info:`)
console.log(`\tport: ${info.port}`)
console.log(`\tbaudrate: ${info.baudrate}`)
console.log(`\tidle: ${info.idle}`)
console.log(`\tconnecting: ${info.connecting}`)
console.log(`\tconnected: ${info.connected}`)
console.log(`\terror: ${info.error}`)
console.log(`\terrorCount: ${info.errorCount}`)
console.log(`\treconnectCount: ${info.reconnectCount}`)
console.log(`\tpacketsReceived: ${info.packetsReceived}`)
console.log(`\tpacketsSent: ${info.packetsSent}`)
console.log(`\tmillisOnline: ${info.millisOnline}`)
// Do something with the information, like live status display
setInterval(updateSerialStats, 5000) // Loop status update every 5 seconds (example)
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