This is based on the work of needo's image, who himself based his work upon Eric Schultz and the images from Tim Haak
It basically setups an image with plex (for plexpass users) and adds in the 2 existing bundles to connect Plex with yaVDR.
a) LiveTV by myself b) VDR.Bundle by Dariush Forouher and Friedhelm Buescher
Links to learn about the pieces installed:
- plex with plexpass -
- VDR.bundle -
- plex-vdr-live-tv.bundle
check this out to any convient place, I used /usr/local/src/dockerfiles
Then run
docker build -t jondalar/plexvdr /usr/local/src/dockerfiles/plex/
To run the latest plexpass version:
docker run -d --net="host" --name="plex" -v /path/to/plex/config:/config -v /path/to/video/files:/data -v /path/to/recodings:/recordings -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -p 32400:32400 needo/plex
If you would like to specify a specific version of plex to run:
docker run -d --net="host" --name="plex" -v /path/to/plex/config:/config -v /path/to/video/files:/data -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -e VERSION= -p 32400:32400 needo/plex
NOTE: It must be the full version name (i.e. replace with the version you desire in the command above
Example for my yaVDR installation:
docker run -d --net="host" --name="plex" -v /usr/local/docker-configs:/config -v /srv/vdr/video.00/AVIs:/data -v /srv/vdr/video.00/Filme:/recordings -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -p 32400:32400 jondalar/plexvdr
After install go to:
http://server:32400/web/index.html#!/dashboard and login with your myPlex credentials
Once the docker container has started with "run", you only need to start/stop/restart it with "docker start" e.g. It will keep the parameters Install something like dockerui in case you want to have a little comfort.