Privacy Policy
DigiBuddy is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with all applicable privacy laws, including the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
DigiBuddy is free to use and does not require an account or login. DigiBuddy does not collect, transmit, or store any personal information outside of your device. It does not use any third-party analytics software, social media integrations, or web links. DigiBuddy does not access your device's email, phone, or webcam features.
HealthKit Data
DigiBuddy integrates with Apple HealthKit to display your progress toward selected health and fitness goals, including:
- Steps
- Exercise minutes
- Mindfulness minutes
Access to HealthKit data is entirely optional and can be granted or denied per category within Apple Health settings. DigiBuddy does not transmit, store, or share HealthKit data with any external servers, third parties, or other apps. All HealthKit data remains securely on your device.
DigiBuddy fully complies with Apple’s HealthKit guidelines, ensuring that your health data is handled with the highest level of security and privacy. DigiBuddy does not use HealthKit data for advertising, marketing, or data mining purposes.
Questions or Concerns
If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy, please contact me at