Pytorch implementation of Span prediction model and Sequence labeling framework for Named Entity Recognition, which incorporating the contextual information and the structured dependency trees information with Synergized-LSTM (Syn-LSTM).
Python 3.7
Pytorch 1.4.0
Transformers 3.3.1
learning_rate: 2e-05, batch_size: 20(30), att_span_emb) >, spanlen_rep) under ELECTRA-base-Syn-LSTM-Span
all_span_rep = self._endpoint_span_extractor(feature_out, all_span_ids.long())
att_span_emb = self.attentive_span_extractor(feature_out, all_span_ids.long())
all_span_rep =, att_span_emb), dim=-1)
all_span_rep = self._endpoint_span_extractor(feature_out, all_span_ids.long())
spanlen_rep = self.spanLen_embedding(all_span_lens) # (bs, n_span, len_dim)
spanlen_rep = functional.relu(spanlen_rep)
all_span_rep =, spanlen_rep), dim=-1)
Model | Dataset | Pretrained Model | P | R | F1 |
ELECTRA-base-Syn-LSTM-CRF | Chinese | chinese-electra-180g-base-discriminator | 77.58 | 80.80 | 79.16 |
ELECTRA-base-Syn-LSTM-Span | chinese | chinese-electra-180g-base-discriminator | 78.65 | 82.37 | 80.47 |
ELECTRA-base-CRF | Chinese | chinese-electra-180g-base-discriminator | 77.67 | 80.73 | 79.17 |
ELECTRA-base-Span | Chinese | chinese-electra-180g-base-discriminator | 79.28 | 81.08 | 80.17 |
Model | Dataset | Pretrained Model | P | R | F1 |
Roberta-base-Syn-LSTM-CRF | OntoNotes 5 | RoBERTa-Base | 90.19 | 90.94 | 90.56 |
Roberta-base-Syn-LSTM-Span | OntoNotes 5 | RoBERTa-Base | 90.30 | 91.35 | 90.82 |
Roberta-base-LSTM-FFN-Biaffine | OntoNotes 5 | RoBERTa-Base | 90.13 | 91.20 | 90.66 |
Roberta-base-Syn-LSTM-Span | OntoNotes 5 | RoBERTa-Large | 90.61 | 91.33 | 90.97 |
Roberta-base-CRF | OntoNotes 5 | RoBERTa-Base | 90.17 | 91.34 | 90.75 |
Roberta-base-Span | OntoNotes 5 | RoBERTa-Base | 90.64 | 90.89 | 90.77 |
Roberta-base-CRF | CoNLL-2003 | RoBERTa-Base | 92.00 | 93.04 | 92.52 |
Roberta-base-Span | CoNLL-2003 | RoBERTa-Base | 92.47 | 92.81 | 92.65 |
Roberta-base-LSTM-FFN-Biaffine | CoNLL-2003 | RoBERTa-Base | -- | -- | 92.56 |
To train the model with other datasets, parser_mode crf or span, dep_model dggcn or none:
python --mode=train --dataset=ontonotes --embedder_type=roberta-base --parser_mode span --dep_model dggcn
For more detailed usage, please refer to the pytorch_neural_crf project
The code are created based on the codes of the paper "SPANNER: Named Entity Re-/Recognition as Span Prediction", ACL 2021 "Better Feature Integration for Named Entity Recognition", NAACL 2021