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Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 3 revisions

Florin-Character ƒ

The examples for the usage of FUDGE import its modules with names prefixed by the florin character. This is not mandatory but just a matter of taste. Some people prefer to use a simple f, you can choose whatever you like and also use names with more characters. However, if you enjoy using ƒ, here is how you can add a keyboard shortcut in VSCode for it:

Advanced customization

All keyboard shortcuts in VS Code can be customized via the keybindings.json file.

To configure keyboard shortcuts the way you want, hit F1 and select "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)" This will open your keybindings.json file where you can overwrite the Default Keybindings.

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
  "key": "alt+f",
  "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
  "when": "editorFocus",
  "args": {"snippet": "ƒ"}


It's possible to start a watch task when VSCode opens a folder. This way, you won't forget to compile. Adjust your task.json-file to the following pattern:

    // See 
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "type": "typescript",
            "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json",
            "option": "watch",
            "problemMatcher": [
            "label": "auto-watch",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "tsc -watch",
            "runOptions": {
                "runOn": "folderOpen"

In the command-palette (Strg+Shift+P oder F1) activate the option "Tasks: Allow automatic tasks in folder".


If you create a project and you want to have the latest FUDGE-modules from your local repository coming with it, you may want to link the appropriate directories to it instead of copying them. You may do so using symlinks. To create a symlink, type the following into a terminal:

mklink /J "NameOfLink" "PathToDirectory"

use the quotation marks!