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Date: 2017-11-19
List of Big-O for PHP functions
tags: php, performance, algorithm, arrays, big-o
259 votes, 4 answers and 51211 views
\r\n After using PHP for a while now, I've noticed that not all PHP built in functions as fast as expected. Consider the below two possible implementations of a function that finds if a number is prime ...\r\n
How do I delete (unset) an exported environment variable?
tags: linux, environment-variables, unset
967 votes, 3 answers and 547486 views
\r\n Before installing gnuplot I set the environment variable GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR = /home/gnuplot/build/src.\n\nDuring the installation something went wrong; now I want to remove the GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR ...\r\n
Call a “local” function within module.exports from another function in module.exports?
tags: node.js, express
182 votes, 8 answers and 103300 views
\r\n How do you call a function from within another function in a module.exports declaration?\n\nHere's some simplified code.\n\nIn my app.js, I do the following:\n\nvar bla = require('./bla.js');\nconsole.log(...\r\n
Quick easy way to migrate SQLite3 to MySQL?
tags: mysql, sqlite, migration
182 votes, 25 answers and 197924 views
\r\n Anyone know a quick easy way to migrate a SQLite3 database to MySQL?\r\n
tags: architecture, rest, post, get
267 votes, 9 answers and 43221 views
\r\n This question is not about when to use GET or POST in general; it is about which is the recommended one for handling logging out of a web application. I have found plenty of information on the ...\r\n
How to install Python MySQLdb module using pip?
tags: python, mysql, pip
203 votes, 13 answers and 279215 views
\r\n How can I install the MySQLdb module for Python using pip?\r\n
Redirect stderr and stdout in Bash
tags: bash, shell, redirect, pipe
483 votes, 11 answers and 475133 views
\r\n I want to redirect both stdout and stderr of a process to a single file. How do I do that in Bash?\r\n
Add images to on GitHub
tags: git, github, markdown, github-flavored-markdown
784 votes, 15 answers and 279101 views
\r\n Recently I joined GitHub. I hosted some projects there.\n\nI need to include some images in my README File. I don't know how to do that.\n\nI searched about this, but all I got was some links which tell ...\r\n
How can a time function exist in functional programming?
tags: scala, haskell, f#, functional-programming, clean-language
547 votes, 13 answers and 46384 views
\r\n I've to admit that I don't know much about functional programming. I read about it from here and there, and so came to know that in functional programming, a function returns the same output, for same ...\r\n
tags: html, css
666 votes, 15 answers and 865988 views
\r\n Is there any way to disable a link using CSS?\n\nI have a class called current-page and want links with this class to be disabled so that no action occurs when they are clicked.\r\n