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Screenshot 2022-06-26 213142.png

  1. Add a Streamlit slider component that allows the user to select a difficulty

value from 1 to 5. Set the starting value to 3. Set this component equal to a

variable named difficulty.

2.Update the difficulty data attribute of the PyChain data class

(pychain.difficulty) with this new difficulty value.

Add a Streamlit slider named "Block Difficulty" that allows the user to update a

difficulty value. Set this equal to the variable difficulty

Kept getting an error that streamlit could not be resolved.

the pychain ledger initially would not update, and I had some issues with not being able to get the new block inputs correct with the record(sender, receiver, amount) details.

![](\C:\Users\jimp\Homework1\Unit 18 Blockchain\Unit-18-Blockchain\Images\Screenshot 2022-06-27 055050.png)


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