- 🔭 I’m currently exploring advanced algorithms in vector search, including nearest neighbor search and farthest neighbor search, with a particular focus on graph-based indexing structures.
- 📝 I published a paper on k-NN graph construction, contributing to the field of high-dimensional data search.
- 🏆 I achieved the Runner-up Award in the 2024 SIGMOD Programming Contest, where I worked on Hybrid Vector Search in high-dimensional spaces. The contest featured a 10-million-scale dataset and evaluated performance on real-world scenarios.
- 💻 On GitHub, I’ve contributed to NVIDIA’s RAFT and Zilliz’s Milvus, supporting cutting-edge developments in the open-source community.
- 📫 How to reach me: jeffwang@stu.xmu.edu.cn
💬 Feel free to ask me about vector search algorithms, graph-based indexing, or my experience in competitive programming and open-source contributions!