This is a sample Android application to show how Apache POI can be used on Android.
It consists of two projects:
- poishadow: A small helper project to produce a shaded jar-file for Apache POI which includes all necessary dependencies and fixes a few things that usually hinder you deploying Apache POI on Android
- poitest: A very small sample Android application
which performs some actions on XLSX-, PPTX and DOCX-files using
Apache POI. See
for the actual code
In order to work around problems with finding a suitable XML Parser, currently the following system properties need to be set manually during startup of your application (let me know if you know of a better way to do this, see issue #10)
System.setProperty("", "com.fasterxml.aalto.stax.InputFactoryImpl");
System.setProperty("", "com.fasterxml.aalto.stax.OutputFactoryImpl");
System.setProperty("", "com.fasterxml.aalto.stax.EventFactoryImpl");
The sample project uses minimum SDK version 26, which maps to Android 8.0. Higher versions should work as well, older ones are likely not supported any more.
Note: Some dependencies of Apache POI are not included in the shading to keep it's size at bay. If you use code areas which require commons-codec, commons-collections4 or any of the other dependencies, you may need to add them in your Android application in addition to the poishadow-all.jar file dependency.
If you want to get started quickly, there is a ready-made jar-file available in the release section.
You should be able to simply add this to your Android project and use the Apache POI classes from it.
If you would like to change how the jar-file is built, e.g. if you need classes that are excluded, use a different version of POI or would like to adjust the build in some other way, you can build the shaded jar with the following steps:
You will need the following pieces in order to get started
- A recent Java SDK, preferably Java 8
- An installation of the Android SDK, either the one included with Android Studio or a separate download, see
Get the code:
git clone
cd poi-on-android
Configure where your Android SDK resides:
echo "sdk.dir=/opt/android-sdk-linux" >
Configure the version of the Android Build Tools that you have installed.
vi poitest/build.gradle
Then build the shadow-jar, for some reason this works better if executed separately:
./gradlew shadowJar
Finally run the build and some testing. Make sure you have a device connected, e.g. the Android emulator.
./gradlew build connectedCheck
For only the jar-files run just build
If you find this tool useful and would like to support it, you can Sponsor the author
List available emulators
<android-sdk>/tools/emulator -list-avds
Start an Android emulator
<android-sdk>/tools/emulator -avd <name>
Install the apk
<android-sdk>/platform-tools/adb install ./poitest/build/outputs/apk/poitest-debug.apk
- You can use the resulting jar-file
in your own project, the code in directorypoitest
is just a small sample Android application to show that it works. - This was only tested in Android Studio with the Android emulator until now, should work on real Android as well, though!
- Tested with
targetSdkVersion 26
andminSdkVersion 26
- Add more actual functionality to the sample application, currently it just creates a new spreadsheet, adds some data then stores it in the Application storage area and reads it again from there.
- Some parts of the JDK are missing on Android, e.g. AWT-related classes. Some of these are missing when some functionality of Apache POI is used and thus currently crash the sample project. There are some libraries which provide these classes, but none was in a state that allowed it to easily integrate it here.
Copyright 2015-2022 Dominik Stadler
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.