Crowd Pong (c) by Aaron Ciuffo
Crowd Pong is licensed under a Creative Commons Atrribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licenses
You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see
These scripts output a string of values between 1 and -1 on a web socket for controling a pong-like game using relative ratios of two colors visible to a web-cam.
Scripts provided as both ipython notebooks and python scripts.
crowd_pong_video_capture Requirements:
- OpenCV 2.4 (On OS X: brew tap homebrew/science; brew install opencv)
- Python 2.7 (On OS X: brew install python27)
- OpenCV python bindings (pip install opencv)
- numpy python module (pip install numpy)
- websocket python module (pip install websocket-client)
- tornado websocket echo server (pip install tornado[all]
Function: Captures frames from a live video stream and provides a method for selecting from two different colors. The relative ratio of colorA to colorB affects the output of a value between -1 and 1. The greater proportion of one color over the other affects the velocity of the pong bat. The output value is sent as a message to a local websocket server that rebroadcasts. The game interface listens on ws://localhost/9000/ws.
The video capture script provides a live view and two masked views to show sampled colorA and colorB. The script also provides two sets of controls for fine-tuning the color range, hue and saturation limits for each color.
Control panels: Hue (+/-): general selected color range S (+): saturation of color (darker colors have a higer saturation value) V (+/-): value of color (brigter colors have a higher value) CR: Preset color range to help quickly choose colors
Note: Due to a bug in the OpenCV 2.4/Python 2.7 implementation that causes the controls to be shuffled in an order that depends on the characters in the names, the control panels have less than ideal names.
Issues: Absolutely no error trapping. Extreemly brittle. Crashes when an another websocket client disconnects
tornado-websocket-server Requirements:
- Python 2.7
- tornado python module (pip install tornado[all])
Function: Websocket server that listens on ws://localhost/9000/ws for messages and then rebroadcasts incoming messages to all connected clients.
Resolved: X Causes video client to crash when a websocket client disconnects; requires a restart of video client and websocket server. Load newSock.html to view output Thanks Joel Mortimer for fixing this!
write_to_websocket Requirements:
- Python 2.7
- websocket-client (pip install websocket-client)
Fucntion: Test client for sending simulated output to websocket server.
Resolved Issues: X Crashes when another websocket client disconnects. Thanks Joel Mortimer for fixing this!