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Final project for my Master's thesis at HTW Berlin - "Building a dynamic carbon-aware infrastructure deployment using IaC"

  1. Tech Stack


  • Python
    • Framework: FastAPI
    • Blockchain API:, BitQuery
      • Other options: CoinGecko, Binance, CoinMarketCap, EtherScan...



  • Relational: PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL: MongoDB

Infrastructure & Automation

  • IaC: Terraform to provision:
    • Cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP)
    • Databases (RDS for PostgreSQL)
    • Compute instances (EC2 / Lambda for serverless - dedicated to lightweight tasks)
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  • Containerization: Docker

Blockchain integration


  • AWS (integrates with Terraform, robust set of services for data / compute resources)



Core Features

  1. Authentication / profile management -> likely just by entering public crypto address <> blockchain API
  2. Fetch balances & transactions via blockchain APIs
  3. Build tables (from databases) showing all (crypto) transactions
  4. Generate reports: Calculate income, expenses, and profit based on crypto prices.
  5. Export financial data for tax purposes (CSV/Excel).

Setup dev environment

  1. Install Terraform & setup provider
  2. Configure python venv and install dependencies (pip install fastapi uvicorn web3 psycopg2-binary)

Next steps

  1. Write Terraform scripts for:
    • Provisioning a PostgreSQL database (or RDS instance) -> TBD
    • Deploying an EC2 instance for hosting your backend.
    • Setting up storage for logs or exported reports (e.g., S3 buckets).

Example Terraform for PostgreSQL database:

resource "aws_db_instance" "crypto_db" {
  allocated_storage = 20
  engine            = "postgres"
  engine_version    = "13"
  instance_class    = "db.t2.micro"
  name              = "crypto_accounting"
  username          = "admin"
  password          = "secure_password"
  parameter_group_name = "default.postgres13"

Steps taken:

  1. Create git repo (
  2. Clone in VSCode
  3. Install pip and install virtualenv
  4. Create virtual environment "CryptoAccounting" virtualenv CryptoCompta
  5. Activate it: CryptoCompta/bin/activate

2.1. Dev Environment setup: source :

  • Install pip, git, unzip
  • Create CryptoCompta virtualenv and activate it
  • Install requirements
  • Install AWS CLI
  • Init terraform
  • Keep the session alive with the activate virtualenv

6. Create a requirements.txt file in the root of the project folder with the following dependencies: fastapi uvicorn web3 psycopg2-binary TO CORRECT

  • Install them: pip install -r requirements.txt > After activating venv Should be done only on the production machine

  • Install Terraform: sh