These codes deploy web servers for a highly available web app using AWS Cloudformation. Theses are made for a project in Udacity Cloud Devops engineer nanodegree program.
- Server specs
- two vCPUs and at least 4GB of RAM, Ubuntu 18 OS, at least 10 GB of disk space
- Deploy 4 servers to 2 private subnets, 2 servers in each private subnets.
- Auto Scaling will be applied to server launch configuration.
- Install bastion host in public subnet with port 22
- IAM role
- There should be IAM role to allow instances to use public S3 Service.
- Load balancer
- Web app communicates using HTTP port 80, and it is inbound port
- Unrestricted outbound ports
- Located in public subnet
- Load balancer healthy check should be possible.
AWS CLI should be installed before running codes.
Open cmd or shell program and change the current working directory to the folder where codes are in.
Create network stack first. Enter
./ _Network-stack-name-you-want_ networks.yml networks-params.json
In file, region is set to 'us-west-2'(Oregon). Therefore, you can find the configured stacks in 'us-west-2' region page.Create EC2 role stack. Enter
./ _EC2Role_stack-name-you-want_ EC2role.yml EC2role-params.json
Create web app servers stack. Enter
./ _Webservers-stack-name-you-want_ webservers.yml webservers-params.json
If you want to add bastion host in public subnet, enter your IP address to bastionhost-params.json file first.
And then, enter
./ _BastionHost-stack-name-you-want_ bastionhost.yml bastionhost-params.json
You can update the code and update stack using
phrase, instead of'/