Project Description
The Shuttle Booking System allows drivers to register and publish their vehicles, making it easy for passengers to book a ride. Passengers can view driver details and select a shuttle. The booking form automatically captures the passenger’s current location and destination, calculates the fare based on the distance and the driver’s rate per kilometer, and displays the total charge to the passenger.
Driver Portal:
- Register and log in as a driver.
- Publish vehicle details for passengers to book.
Passenger Functionality:
- View available drivers and their vehicle details.
- Book a shuttle by entering current location and destination.
- Automatically calculate fare based on the distance and the driver's rate per kilometer.
Technology Stack
Backend: Node.js, Express.js
Frontend: EJS (Embedded JavaScript templates)
Database: MongoDB
Google Maps API: Used for location services and distance calculation.
Installation and Setup
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd shuttle-booking
Install the dependencies: npm install
Set up environment variables in a .env file:
APP_PORT = 5001
DB_URI = mongodb://