Project Description
This Real Estate Investment Platform provides two distinct categories for investors: Buy and Build. In the Buy section, the admin uploads property listings along with agent details, enabling investors to browse and purchase available properties. In the Build section, the admin uploads agent details, land listings, and building plans, allowing investors to buy land and customize their building plans.
Admin Panel:
- Upload properties and agent details in the Buy section for investors to purchase.
- Upload land listings, building plans, and agent details in the Build section for investors interested in custom building projects.
Investor Functionality:
- Browse and buy properties through the Buy section.
- Browse land and building plans through the Build section.
- Access agent details for consultations and purchases.
Technology Stack
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Frontend: EJS (Embedded JavaScript templates)
- Database: MongoDB
Installation and Setup
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd Real-estate
Install the dependencies: npm install
Set up environment variables in a .env file:
APP_PORT = 9001
DB_URI = mongodb://