Project Description
This Job Recruitment Website simplifies the recruitment process for organizations. The platform allows the admin to publish job listings, and users can apply for jobs online. After the application process, successful candidates are notified via email with login credentials to take a Computer-Based Test (CBT). The admin can view exam results and send appointment letters to qualified candidates.
Admin Panel:
- Publish job listings.
- Notify successful applicants through email.
- Generate login credentials for applicants to access the CBT.
- View and manage exam results.
- Send appointment letters to qualified candidates.
User Functionality:
- Browse and apply for jobs.
- Receive email notifications if shortlisted for an exam.
- Log in using the provided credentials to take a CBT.
Technology Stack
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Frontend: EJS (Embedded JavaScript templates)
- Database: MongoDB
Installation and Setup
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd Job-recruitment
Install the dependencies: npm start
Set up environment variables in a .env file:
APP_PORT = 5001
DB_URI = mongodb://
===Email config===