It is basically a Student Relationship Management Website. It use to connect people over a Masai Community.We have built some features by taking inspiration for Masai LMS. It was a collabarative project built by a team of four members in a span of 5 days. We basically built this website in three Sections.
- Student Page
- Manager Page
- Admin Section
Netlify : Connect Website
Front-End: HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Back-End [API] : Node Modules | Mock API
Student & Manager Page
- Login & SignUp
- OTP Verification for SignUp [Via Email Using]
- To-Do List
- Group & Group Announcement
- Discussion [ Chat with everyone in the website ]
- Edit Profile
- Light/Dark Mode Toggle
- Fullscreen Mode
- Cross Platform
- Fully Responsive
Admin Page
- Add & Update & Delete Manager Data
- Add & Update & Delete Student Data
You can just give your proper credential and login.
You have to give your proper working email and proper details, Then OTP will be send to the email. If you verify the OTP means the account will be created.
It shows you the active students stats, total students stats. And your top 5 task of your todo list.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can search all students, who are all present in the website.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can create the group and send notification.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can see the group name nand announcements of the groups.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
To make a note of your daily task.
Ligth Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can discuss or chat with anyone in the website.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can see and edit your profile anytime.
Light Mode -
Dark Mode -
It shows you the active students stats, total students stats.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
Use to add a data of Student or Manager.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
Search and update the data of Student or Manager.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can see all the Students data and able have the option to delete their data.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
You can see all the Managers data and able have the option to delete their data.
Light Mode :
Dark Mode :
If you have any Feedback, Please reach out to us at
Team Lead :
Team Members :