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Player & Show management API & Webpage for Theatre on the Edge

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A REST API, and in the future a web-based front end, to handle the casting for regularly scheduled performances.

This is being created for Theatre on the Edge (, but others may find it useful.

Table of Contents

Server Configuration

Environment Variables

The server uses a number of environment variables to configure how it connects to the database, and perform various functions.


  • TOTE_JWT_SECRET: Secret key for signing JSON Web Tokens


  • TOTE_SESSION_LENGTH_MINUTES: How long a token will be valid for without being used. Defaults to 20 minutes.

Using the API

These are subject to change, and are here for testing reference only.

Organization/sorting will come later.


Authenticated routes require a JSON Web Token to authenticate against. To send the token, add an Authorization to the request. The value must begin with JWT followed by a space, followed by a token retrieved from the server from the /api/auth/login route.

Routes that require authentication are noted as Authenticated.

Creating & Modifying Objects

Objects are created by POSTing to the appropriate endpoint. The body of the request must be a JSON object containing the data for the object to create. This MUST NOT include an ID.

Objects are modified by sending a PATCH to the appropriate endpoint. The body of the request must be a JSON object containing the fields to be modified. No other attributes for the object will be affected.

Both creation and modification will return a the object in its new state.


Some routes, notably those marked as Authenticated, require the accessing user to have one or more Permissions to successfully perform the desired action.

Note: These checks are currently implemented and enforced, but management of them has not.

API Routes


POST /api/auth/login

Log in with your username & password, and get a JSON Web Token to authenticate further requests to Authenticated routes.

Request Body

    "username": <string[username]>,
    "password": <string>


  "token": <string[JWT]>


Player Object

  "id": <id[player]>,
  "name": <string>,
  "email": <string[email]>,
  "bio": <string>

GET /api/players/

Fetch a list of all active Players.

POST /api/players/ (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Players permission

Create a new Player.

GET /api/players/:player

Fetch the information for an individual Player.

PATCH /api/players/:player (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Players permission

Update the information for an individual Player.

Planned: DELETE /api/players/:player (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Players permission

Delete a player.

Planned: Shows

Show Object


Planned: GET /api/shows/

Fetch a list of upcoming Shows.

Planned: POST /api/shows/ (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Shows permission

Create a new Show.

Planned: GET /api/shows/:show

Fetch the information for an individual Show.

Planned: PATCH /api/shows/:show (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Shows permission

Update the information for an individual Show.

Planned: DELETE /api/shows/:show

Requires Manage Shows permission

Delete a Show.


User Object

  "username": <string[username]>,
  "playerId": <id[player]>,
  "password": <string>

Note: Objects returned WILL NOT contain a password field. This is used for creation and modification only.

GET /api/users/ (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Users permission

Get an array containing all active Users.

POST /api/users (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Users permission

Create a new User.

GET /api/users/:user (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Users permission

Fetch the information for an individual User.

PATCH /api/users/:user (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Users permission NOTE: Users do not require any permissions to update their password using this route.

Update a user.

Planned: DELETE /api/users/:user (Authenticated)

Requires Manage Users permission

Delete a user.


Player & Show management API & Webpage for Theatre on the Edge






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