Tasty podcast site made with next.js, tailwindcss, and TypeScript. The podcast host is Pinecast. Eventually I would like to build this into a bigger project
Goal of this site was to get a modern clean podcast site, drawing a lot of inspiration from:
https://usehooks.com/useWindowSize/ for the useWindowSize Hook
This site grabs the RSS feed from Pinecast and then creates the pages for the episodes.
Eventually I would like to allow people to use this as a template for them to take and put in their own podcast from pinecast. I'll need to build a basic backend for them to sign into and do that work, that's a bit later down the track
Hosting: Vercel hosting
Client: Next.js, react, TypeScript, Tailwindscss
Testing Cypress
- Static site generation
- Responsive design
- Persistent podcast player
Main components
- Home
- Episodes
- About
- Polls
- Contact form
- snapshots
- unit testing
- interration testing
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/JarrodKane/end-of-the-reel
Go to the project directory
cd end-of-the-reel
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
What did you learn while building this project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?