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License: GPL v3 Releases


T7Overcharged gives Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 modders the ability to take their mods to the next level by providing an API between Lua and C++ and providing already worked out components.


  • Hot reloading of lua scripts
  • UI Errors now give a stack trace and don't cause a freeze
  • Extending the asset limits
  • External console and printing to the console from lua
  • HTTP requests from lua
  • Discord Rich Presence
  • Bullet depletion
  • More to come!

How to use

  • Clone this repo or download the latest release.
  • Copy the lua files to the mod/map you want to use this in.
  • Copy the dll to the zone folder
  • Add the following lines to your zone file:
  • Add the following lines in your main lua file:
  • Under that add the following code but change variables to your map/mod's information

for a mod:

	modname = "t7overcharged",
	filespath = [[.\mods\t7overcharged\]],
	workshopid = "45131545",
	discordAppId = nil,--"{{DISCORD_APP_ID}}" -- Not required, create your application at
	showExternalConsole = true

for a map:

	mapname = "zm_t7overcharged",
	filespath = [[.\usermaps\zm_t7overcharged\]],
	workshopid = "45131545",
	discordAppId = nil,--"{{DISCORD_APP_ID}}" -- Not required, create your application at
	showExternalConsole = true

The dvar hash list as of now isn't shipped with the DLL, it has to be manually placed inside of the root folder of Black Ops 3.


The latest version can be found on the Releases Page.

Compile from source

  • Clone the Git repo. Do NOT download it as ZIP, that won't work.
  • Update the submodules and run premake5 vs2022 or simply use the delivered generate.bat.
  • Build via solution file in build\T7Overcharged.sln.



T7Overcharged is licensed under the GNUv3 license and its source code is free to use and modify. T7Overcharged comes with NO warranty, any damages caused are solely the responsibility of the user. See the LICENSE file for more information.