This is a list of current goals to work on. These would be a good starting point for people looking to contribute.
- make code snippets use spaces instead of tabs, for consistent columns
- improve descriptions for ubercharge
- add the other stuff to hudplayerclass.res
- create Mainmenu & gamemenu.res
- Add reference images to refracts appendix
- Add reference images to stubborn elements
- Add section on label options
- Add section on borders
- Add section on fonts (in-depth)
- Add section on closecaptions
- Add section on chapterbackgrounds.txt
- Add section on vmt proxies
- Add MacOSX support / add OSX to Linux support
- Add descriptions to file list
- Add descriptions to animation list
- Add more to the other tutorials list
- Add more stats for the stats list
- Create a FAQ hud editing section