SpiceWeaver is a .NET Source Generator for SpiceDB schemas.
Add SpiceWeaver to your .csproj
<PackageReference Include="SpiceWeaver" Version="0.1.0" PrivateAssets="all"/>
To generate source directly from a schema file, spice2json must be installed.
Add your SpiceDB schema to your .csproj
file as an Additional File and flag it as a schema file:
<AdditionalFiles Include="schema.zed" SpiceWeaver_SchemaFile="true"/>
If your schema has already been converted to a json file using spice2json, you can bypass conversion in the Source
Generator using the IsJson
file option:
<AdditionalFiles Include="schema.json" SpiceWeaver_SchemaFile="true" SpiceWeaver_IsJson="true"/>
Using the default settings, the generator will output a class named SpiceWeaver.Schema
Given the following schema:
definition user {}
definition document {
relation viewer: user
relation editor: user
permission view = viewer + editor
permission edit = editor
The following source will be generated:
namespace SpiceWeaver
public static class Schema
public static class Definitions
public static class User
public const string Name = "user";
public static class Document
public const string Name = "document";
public static class Relations
public const string Viewer = "viewer";
public const string Editor = "editor";
public static class Permissions
public const string View = "view";
public const string Edit = "edit";
All options are prefixed with SpiceWeaver_
Name | Description | Default |
Spice2JsonPath |
The relative path to the spice2json binary | spice2json |
Global options are set in the .csproj
file directly in a PropertyGroup
and the configured option applies to all
schema files
Name | Description | Default |
SchemaFile |
Set to true to indicate the file should be included for source generation |
n/a |
IsJson |
Set to true to indicate the file is already a spice2json JSON file |
n/a |
Namespace |
Sets the namespace of the generated class | SpiceWeaver |
ClassName |
Sets the name of the generated class | Schema |
File options are per-file and are set on individual AdditionalFiles
<AdditionalFiles Include="schema.zed" SpiceWeaver_SchemaFile="true" SpiceWeaver_Namespace="MyNamespace"/>