playOmics is a comprehensive R package tailored to meet the specific demands of multi-omics experiment analyses, providing robust tools for biomarker discovery and disease prognosis.
Feature Identification: Conducts feature selection across datasets to pinpoint top prognostic markers and creates predictive models using logistic regression.
Model Superiority: Constructs multi-marker models that often surpass single-variable models, with scores to highlight the best feature combinations.
Interpretability: Offers a wealth of statistical data, visuals, and explainers, promoting a clear understanding of each marker’s role.
Tailored Design: Especially useful for studies with smaller sample sizes, such as research on rare diseases.
Practicality: Ensures readiness with adaptable models, capable of working around missing datasets by employing alternative models.
In essence, playOmics stands out as a user-friendly, efficient tool that significantly elevates the potential of multi-omics data exploration, positioning it as a leading choice for both research and clinical applications.
You can install the development version of playOmics from GitHub with:
As an alternative installation method, the playomics_env repository provides a setup for running playOmics within a Docker container. This setup includes testing data and scripts, offering a comprehensive R environment for users who prefer containerized solutions.
To get started with playOmics using Docker:
- Installation Requirements: Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
- Repository Cloning: Clone the playomics_env repository to your local machine or server.
- Container Setup: Follow the instructions within the repository to build and start the Docker container.
This method is recommended for users looking for an easy and consistent setup process, enabling a quick start into modelling process.
To explore the playOmics package, you will work with the BRCA dataset from TCGA data collection. You can delve deeper into the dataset’s details here.
This dataset is openly available for research and can be downloaded from the LinkedOmics portal.
To initiate, let’s load the necessary libraries. Ensure the playOmics and additional libraries are available in your workspace.
# load playOmics
# Load the additional required libraries
Next, establish a working directory. It’s an essential step, allowing for streamlined logging and organization. You can achieve this using the setwd() function or the here package.
my_experiment_name <- "final_top5_cv5"
Now, let’s proceed with reading each data frame, and assigning descriptive names to them. It’s crucial to unify identifier column names, correct any improper column types (e.g., char to numeric), eliminate unnecessary variables, and perform other needed cleaning tasks at this stage.
Remember: Structure each dataset with variables in columns, observations in rows, and importantly, the first column should contain the observation ID, uniformly named across datasets.
Let’s start with the clinical data:
clinical_data <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__MS__Clinical__Clinical__01_28_2016__BI__Clinical__Firehose.tsi", na = c("NA", "NA,NA")) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
select(-"overallsurvival") %>%
mutate_at(.vars = c("years_to_birth", "overall_survival", "number_of_lymph_nodes", "Tumor_purity"), as.numeric)
#> Rows: 20 Columns: 1098
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: "\t"
#> chr (1098): attrib_name, TCGA.5L.AAT0, TCGA.5L.AAT1, TCGA.A1.A0SP, TCGA.A2.A...
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
clinical_data %>%
#> histological_type n
#> 1 infiltratingductalcarcinoma 784
#> 2 infiltratinglobularcarcinoma 203
#> 3 medullarycarcinoma 6
#> 4 metaplasticcarcinoma 9
#> 5 mixedhistology(pleasespecify) 30
#> 6 mucinouscarcinoma 17
#> 7 other,specify 46
#> 8 <NA> 2
In this exploration, your focus will be on distinguishing between two histological types: ductal and lobular cancer. So, let’s filter the data to include only these types and make the type names more readable.
clinical_data <-
clinical_data %>%
filter(histological_type %in% c("infiltratingductalcarcinoma", "infiltratinglobularcarcinoma")) %>%
# increase readability
mutate(histological_type = case_when(
histological_type == "infiltratinglobularcarcinoma" ~ "lobular",
histological_type == "infiltratingductalcarcinoma" ~ "ductal"
As you move forward, you will integrate various omics datasets into your experiment, taking careful steps to ensure accurate and meaningful insights.
Omics datasets that will be incorporated in the experiment:
- clinical data (20 features),
- proteome (175 features),
- methylation (20107 features),
- miRNA (824 features),
- mutation (7967 features),
- RNASeq (20156 features),
- SCNV (24777 features).
proteome <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__MDA__RPPA__MDA_RPPA__01_28_2016__BI__Gene__Firehose_RPPA.cct", na = c("NA", "NA,NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
mutate_at(vars(-ID), as.numeric)
methylation <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__JHU_USC__Methylation__Meth450__01_28_2016__BI__Gene__Firehose_Methylation_Prepocessor.cct", na = c("NA", "NA,NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
mutate_at(vars(-ID), as.numeric)
miRNA <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__BDGSC__miRNASeq__HS_miR__01_28_2016__BI__Gene__Firehose_RPKM_log2.cct", na = c("NA", "NA,NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
mutate_at(vars(-ID), as.numeric)
mutation <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__WUSM__Mutation__GAIIx__01_28_2016__BI__Gene__Firehose_MutSig2CV.cbt", na = c("NA", "NA,NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
mutate_at(vars(-ID), as.numeric)
RNAseq <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__UNC__RNAseq__HiSeq_RNA__01_28_2016__BI__Gene__Firehose_RSEM_log2.cct", na = c("NA", "NA,NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
mutate_at(vars(-ID), as.numeric)
SCNV_log_ratio <-
read_delim("TCGA-BRCA/Human__TCGA_BRCA__BI__SCNA__SNP_6.0__01_28_2016__BI__Gene__Firehose_GISTIC2.cct", na = c("NA", "NA,NA"), show_col_types = F) %>%
data.table::transpose(keep.names = "ID", make.names = "attrib_name") %>%
mutate_at(vars(-ID), as.numeric)
First off, create a list of dataframes. This step helps you to work with
each dataframe on its own, while still keeping track of the overall
structure. Use connect_datasets() to create a list where each
dataframe gets its name. You can call an additional parameter,
, to indicate whether the original dataframes
should be removed. This is often needed as omics data can become quite
heavy due to its dimension (tens to hundreds of thousands features).
BRCA_data <- connect_datasets(clinical_data, proteome, methylation, miRNA, mutation, RNAseq, SCNV_log_ratio,
remove_original_data = TRUE
BRCA_data %>% summary()
#> Length Class Mode
#> clinical_data 20 data.frame list
#> proteome 176 data.frame list
#> methylation 20107 data.frame list
#> miRNA 824 data.frame list
#> mutation 7967 data.frame list
#> RNAseq 20156 data.frame list
#> SCNV_log_ratio 24777 data.frame list
This gives you a list, structured in seven sections, each named after its original dataframe, each starting with a shared “ID” variable.
After the initial preprocessing, you can bring all the datasets together into one comprehensive dataframe.
In omics experiments, it’s common to have varied availability of data for different sets due to various reasons (e.g. detection limit, missing samples between laboratories, incorrect material for other types of analysis, etc.). Therefore, it is a primary need to check data coverage between different sets early on.
This can be easily obtained with plot_coverage() function:
For the BRCA data, you’ll notice various patterns of data availability, with the largest group (379 subjects) having complete data.
The data_summary() function can be used to discover the data structure. It presents the number of samples, together with the number of variables and describes the data content (number of numeric/character/factor columns):
#> Number.of.samples Number.of.variables Numeric.columns
#> 1 clinical_data 987 20 4
#> 2 proteome 887 176 175
#> 3 methylation 783 20107 20106
#> 4 miRNA 755 824 823
#> 5 mutation 975 7967 7966
#> 6 RNAseq 1093 20156 20155
#> 7 SCNV_log_ratio 1080 24777 24776
#> Character.columns Factor.columns
#> 1 16 0
#> 2 1 0
#> 3 1 0
#> 4 1 0
#> 5 1 0
#> 6 1 0
#> 7 1 0
It’s helpful to discover whether the data has the required structure at a glance. This might be especially important when reading data from text files (e.g. for proteomics experiment).
Next, you can explore each dataframe separately using the check_data() function.It will return basic statistics about each numerical and non-numerical variables separately. It’s a simple way to check for suspicious variables (e.g. low number of unique positions):
#> $non_numeric_data
#> # A tibble: 16 × 4
#> non_numeric_variables n_available n_missing n_unique
#> <chr> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 ER.Status 104 883 3
#> 2 HER2.Status 104 883 3
#> 3 ID 987 0 987
#> 4 Median_overall_survival 949 38 3
#> 5 PAM50 751 236 5
#> 6 PR.Status 105 882 3
#> 7 ethnicity 818 169 3
#> 8 gender 987 0 2
#> 9 histological_type 987 0 2
#> 10 pathologic_stage 969 18 5
#> 11 pathology_M_stage 842 145 3
#> 12 pathology_N_stage 971 16 5
#> 13 pathology_T_stage 984 3 5
#> 14 race 893 94 4
#> 15 radiation_therapy 905 82 3
#> 16 status 949 38 3
#> $numeric_data
#> # A tibble: 4 × 12
#> numeric_variables n_available n_missing n_unique min Q1 mean
#> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Tumor_purity 978 9 771 0.134 0.656 0.726
#> 2 number_of_lymph_nodes 832 155 32 0 0 2.39
#> 3 overall_survival 949 38 746 30 501 1286.
#> 4 years_to_birth 973 14 65 26 49 58.4
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: median <dbl>, sd <dbl>, variance <dbl>, Q3 <dbl>,
#> # max <dbl>
This operation should be conducted separately for each dataframe, as each omic has its own golden standards for data preprocessing.
Two handy functions have been implemented into playOmics package for this purpose:
- filter_below_threshold - allows you to define a numeric threshold for which data are considered valid in a defined percentage of samples.
To illustrate how this function works, let’s filter RNA data to keep only variables with more than 3 reads in more than 50% of samples:
BRCA_data[["RNAseq"]] <- filter_below_threshold(
data = BRCA_data[["RNAseq"]],
numeric_threshold = 3,
pcent_of_samples = 0.5
BRCA_data[["RNAseq"]] %>% dim()
#> [1] 1093 15037
After applying this filter, data was reduced from 20k variables to around 15k.
- filter missing data - similar to above, but the variables are removed based on % of missing values (e.g. variables with more than 50% of missing values will be removed):
# let's replace all zeros with NA to pretend missing data
BRCA_data[["miRNA"]][BRCA_data[["miRNA"]] == 0] <- NA
# apply filter
BRCA_data[["miRNA"]] <- filter_missing(
data = BRCA_data[["miRNA"]],
pcent_of_samples = 0.5
BRCA_data[["miRNA"]] %>% dim()
#> [1] 755 451
Initially, we had 824 columns in the miRNA data. After filtering for non-missing values in at least 50% of columns, we ended up with 755 columns.
Finally, the heart of our package!
Right now, the playOmics package allows only for supervised binary classification experiments. It is crucial then to define the analysis target, which will be propagated to the classification algorithm.
If the data is structured as described in the previous sections, you
will most likely have one dataset containing phenotype data, e.g.,
whether the patient survived or died. With define_target() function,
you are obligated to pass the name of this dataframe (e.g. “clinical
data”), the name of a column that contains the desired status, and an
indication of “positive” class (the one you want to predict with our
analysis). Another argument, id_variable
, indicates the column’s name
containing sample identifiers. As discussed previously, it should be
common for all datasets to allow data merging.
my_target <-
phenotype_df_name = "clinical_data",
id_variable_name = "ID",
target_variable_name = "histological_type",
positive_class_name = "lobular"
#> $phenotype_df
#> [1] "clinical_data"
#> $id_variable
#> [1] "ID"
#> $target_variable
#> [1] "histological_type"
#> $positive_class
#> [1] "lobular"
The split_data_into_train_test() function comes in handy when you
need to divide your dataset into training and test subsets. By using the
argument, you can achieve a stratified split based on a
specific column. This stratification occurs on a phenotype dataframe,
and the IDs are accordingly assigned to other datasets. However, due to
potential missing data, the split might not always respect the
predefined proportion.
To illustrate, you can use this function to split the data randomly with a proportion of 90%/10%, so we can use the remaining 10% as a simulation of real data at the end of this experiment for demonstration purposes:
splitted_data <- split_data_into_train_test(BRCA_data, prop = 9 / 10, target = my_target)
Let’s call the mentioned 10% data a “validation set” and leave it for later:
validation_set <- splitted_data$test_data
We will treat the splitted_data$train_data
as a background for the
modeling experiment; let’s name them “modelling_set” for now:
modelling_set <- splitted_data$train_data
As a preparation for the modeling process, we will use again the function split_data_into_train_test():
BRCA_data_splitted <-
split_data_into_train_test(modelling_set, prop = 8 / 10, target = my_target)
In the next step, you can continue the preparation of data for modeling
using prepare_data_for_modelling() function. It will transform all
character and factor variables into “dummy” columns (e.g. column sex
with two values: male
and female
will be transformed into two
columns: sex_male
and sex_female
filled with 1/0 values) and
translate logical columns into numbers. It also adds the dataset name to
each variable to distinguish data.
After the initial preprocessing, all the datasets are combined into one comprehensive dataframe using early concatenation.
data_prepared <-
prepare_data_for_modelling(data = BRCA_data_splitted$train_data, target = my_target, remove_correlated_features = F)
Also, a test set needs to be prepared so the models can be validated on corresponding data:
test_data_prepared <-
prepare_data_for_modelling(BRCA_data_splitted$test_data, target = my_target, remove_correlated_features = F)
In the omics experiment, it is often the case that the number of features is many times larger than the number of observations. Data like this are prone to overfit; therefore, before we attempt to predict the target, we need to reduce data size. For efficiency, the filter method is chosen over wrapper or embedded methods.
The rank_and_select_features() function is designed to rank and select features in a dataset. It provides two modes of operation: features can be ranked either separately for each dataset or in a combined manner across all datasets. This flexibility allows the function to adapt to different analytical scenarios, whether you need independent feature rankings for individual datasets or a unified ranking for the entire dataset.
Once the features are ranked, the function allows you to select the most relevant ones using one of three methods:
- by selecting defined “top n” features,
- by selecting % of variables from each dataset,
- or by defining a cut-off threshold for a selected metric.
The function supports all feature ranking methods available in the mlr3filters package (see more under
data_filtered <-
data = data_prepared,
target = my_target,
filter_name = "auc",
cutoff_method = "top_n",
cutoff_treshold = 5,
selection_type = "separate",
return_ranking_list = TRUE,
n_fold = 5,
n_threads = 5
If the parameter "return_ranking_list" is set to TRUE, the function will return a list containing the filtered datasets and the ranking list. The ranking can be visualized using the visualize_ranking() function:
To support you in making an informed decision about optimal feature selection strategy for your data, we’ve prepared a notebook that is designed to fit the playOmics data structure. This notebook allows you to experiment with various feature selection methods and evaluate which approach works best for your analysis. You can find it in the playomics_env GitHub repository, where it is ready to be used within the dockerized environment: [FS_diagnostic_plots.Rmd](( selection simulations/FS_simulations.Rmd).
It includes bunch of filter methods provided by the mlr3filters package (, moreover, it also supports two embedded methods: Lasso and Random Forest (RF). This setup gives you flexibility in testing different feature selection strategies, helping you identify the optimal approach for your specific dataset and problem.
The create_multiple_models() function is a comprehensive tool to build multiple machine learning models using varying combinations of predictor variables to discover which yields the best results.
By default, the function examines combinations of predictor variables up
to a set of three. Still, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can
instruct it to consider more combinations by adjusting the n_max
The logistic regression algorithm is at the heart of the function—a well-established method for predicting binary outcomes. The choice of logistic regression ensures that the models produced are both interpretable and reliable, making them an excellent fit for a wide range of practical applications.
You then feed in your training and testing data using the train_data
and test_data
parameters, respectively. Additionally, the function
needs clarity about which column in your data is the target
dependent) variable and which serves as an identifier. This is essential
for the function to focus on the modeling process properly.
In this step, data will finally connect into one dataframe using the early integration approach.
When forming the single logistic regression model, missing data are eventually removed. The maximum delay of this step is crucial because it ensures we extract the most value from your dataset. It’s especially vital for omics data; sometimes, different omics don’t always align, meaning a data point might be missing in one omic but present in another. And if you’re dealing with rare diseases, this step is a lifesaver since it helps us maximize the data size, making the most of every single data point you have.
my_models <-
experiment_name = my_experiment_name,
train_data = data_filtered,
test_data = test_data_prepared,
target = my_target,
n_max = 3,
trim_models = TRUE,
trim_metric = "train_mcc",
trim_threshold = 0.3,
# single model settings
validation_method = "cv",
n_prop = NULL,
n_repeats = 5,
log_experiment = TRUE,
explain = TRUE,
# configuration
n_cores = 5,
directory = here::here()
When you’re running create_multiple_models(), you can trim away
models that aren’t up to the mark. By setting trim_models
to TRUE,
you’re instructing the function to be watchful and eliminate models that
don’t meet a certain standard. This “standard” or “benchmark” is defined
by you through the trim_metric
and trim_threshold
parameters. For
instance, with the default settings, if a model’s performance (measured
using the Matthews Correlation Coefficient on the training data) is
below 0.3, it gets deleted. This trimming process ensures you’re left
with the best-performing models, making your analysis more efficient and
insightful, especially when handling complex datasets.
Lastly, for those who value robustness in their models, the function
offers an option to validate the significance of your results using
permutation tests. By turning on the validate_with_permutation
parameter and specifying the number of permutations, the function will
shuffle your data to ascertain the models’ significance.
The create_multiple_models() function operates with considerable efficiency, even as it juggles multiple computations in parallel. However, it’s important to note that the computational resources required might be substantial, depending on the specific experimental conditions.
Two key components significantly influence the performance and
computational demands of this function. The first one is n_max
. This
parameter determines the maximum number of variables considered in one
model, and consequently, the higher its value, the greater the number of
combinations the function needs to assess. This impacts the
computational load exponentially since the function when dealing with
models comprising multiple predictors, will systematically sift through
all possible combinations of lesser elements before assessing more
complex, multifaceted combinations.
The second component is the actual number of variables selected for the
experiment. The selection of variables is critical as the function
generates combinations without repetition, increasing the computational
demands with each added variable. This means that a thoughtful selection
of variables and a calibrated setting of the n_max
parameter are
crucial to managing the function’s computational intensity efficiently,
allowing us to optimize the experiment’s performance without
compromising the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained.
Each model and its associated details are logged within the
create_multiple_models() function. This not only preserves the
model’s structure and results, but also ensures that it can be easily
retrieved and deployed in production environments, making it ready for
real-world applications. When providing the unique name through the
parameter, the directory is created where all the
detailed and summarized results get saved.
The overall models’ results can be easily collected by using
read_model_data() function. The additional parameter directory
might be passed if the directory differs from the working directory.
results <- read_model_data(
experiment_name = my_experiment_name,
directory = here::here()
If, at any point in the analysis, something goes wrong and you do not obtain the complete results, or if you wish to examine the detailed model logs, you can use read_logged_data() to obtain one of the following: “metrics,” “model_logs,” “model_coef” or “params.”
results <- read_logged_data(
experiment_name = my_experiment_name,
file_type = "metrics",
directory = here::here()
) %>%
The Shiny application has been developed to facilitate user interaction with the data. Due to data missingness, we will remove from the final assessment the models where the number of lobular samples in test data is lower than 10. You can access the Shiny application with the results_GUI() function:
results %>%
filter(!, test_n_lobular > 10) %>%
results_GUI(target = my_target)
The primary results table in the panel’s upper section showcases all models’ statistics. It includes two additional columns: The “Data” column, revealing the training data, and the “Predict” column, enabling predictions directly from the selected model. Subsequent sections will elucidate the exact usage and functionalities of the bottom panel.
Through these panels and functionalities, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the models and their performance, enabling you to interact with and analyze the data effectively and intuitively.
In this panel, you have the option to create histogram plots of the selected experiment’s metric. By clicking the “Add New Plot” button, you can generate multiple plots to better visualize the outcomes:
Experiment overview - MCC metric among the experiment for train and test dataThis panel discloses statistics for individual molecules evaluated during model creation, along with their average metrics across all models in which they were included:
Analytes overviewBy activating the “show data” button next to the desired model, you are redirected to this panel. Here, you can observe the training data and either a 2D or 3D plot representing the data, accompanied by the predictor’s statistics (median values + Q1-Q3).
Single model overviewWhen you turn on the explain
option in the
create_multiple_models() function, DALEX looks closely at the model.
This gives a clearer picture of how the model works and helps anyone who
wants to know why a model makes a particular choice.
It uses local model explanations to understand how different composites affect a prediction. SHAP values, presented on boxplots, measure a variable’s contribution to a final prediction.
For models with a binary outcome, such as classifying breast cancer
types as “ductal” or “lobular”, SHAP values help to interpret the
influence of features on the model’s predicted probabilities, rather
than the explicit “ductal”/“lobular” statuses. In this setting, where
the “lobular” status has been set as a positive class in a target
object, a positive SHAP value for a specific feature means that it
increases the predicted probability of an instance being classified as
“lobular”. Conversely, a negative SHAP value means the feature decreases
that likelihood, making the instance more likely to be classified as
“ductal”. Suppose a model’s average predicted probability for a cancer
type being “lobular” is 0.9, and a particular sample’s SHAP value for a
specific feature (say, RNA species) is 0.25. In that case, it indicates
that this feature increases its “lobular” probability by 25%. When you
sum all the SHAP values for that type and add it to the baseline of 0.9,
you obtain the model’s predicted probability for that specific sample
classified as “lobular”.
For more information, check out:
Prediction screenThe validation dataset, which remains unused during the model training phase, can be utilized to generate predictions on novel data. This approach mirrors the practical deployment of the developed models.
The function prepare_data_for_modelling() is designed to ready newly acquired data for the modeling process. Subsequently, the Shiny application can be initiated through results_GUI(). To engage this functionality, activate the “Make prediction” button corresponding to the desired model and choose the “Select data from your env” option. This action will import the validation dataset into the application, facilitating the generation of predictions on new data. Additionally, the application offers the feature to dissect specific predictions associated with a selected ID, which can be chosen from a provided list.
validation_target <-
define_target(phenotype_df_name = "clinical_data",
id_variable_name = "ID",
target_variable_name = NULL,
positive_class_name = NULL
validation_data_prepared <-
prepare_data_for_modelling(data = validation_set, target = validation_target)
results_GUI(results, target = validation_target)
At the end of the pipeline, ensemble learning is performed to identify a minimal number of models that can collectively maximize prediction quality. By combining the predictions of multiple models, you can achieve improved accuracy, robustness, and stability in your results. Ensemble learning helps balance the trade-off between using fewer models and retaining high-quality predictions. Below, we walk you through the steps of implementing ensemble learning using your dataset and predictions.
You can find the complete notebook in the playomics_env GitHub repository, where it is ready to be used within the dockerized environment: ensembling_notebook.Rmd.
First, load the results of your models into memory. This data contains essential information about the models, including their directories and names, which will be used throughout the ensemble learning process.
results <- read_model_data(
experiment_name = my_experiment_name,
directory = here::here()
selected_models <- results
Next, import the logged predictions from the models. These predictions are merged with the model metadata (like model names) and formatted into a structure suitable for ensemble learning.
predictions <- read_logged_predictions(
experiment_name = my_experiment_name,
prediction_type = "test",
directory = here::here()
) %>%
results %>%
transmute(dir = model_dir, model_name),
by = "dir"
) %>%
Define the target variable using the playOmics::define_target()
function. This ensures that your predictions align correctly with the target data structure.
my_target <- playOmics::define_target(
phenotype_df_name = "clinical",
id_variable_name = "ID",
target_variable_name = "histological_type"
my_target$target_levels <- levels(pull(predictions, !!sym(my_target$target_variable)))
If a positive class is defined, determine its predicted probability column name. Otherwise, use the first target level as the predicted positive class.
predicted_as_positive <- if(!is.null(my_target$positive_class)){
paste0(".pred_", my_target$positive_class)
} else {
paste0(".pred_", my_target$target_levels[1])
Spread the predictions from individual models into a wide format for ensembling. Each column represents the predictions of a single model.
pred_spread <- predictions %>%
select(model_name, !!predicted_as_positive, ID) %>%
spread(model_name, !!predicted_as_positive) %>%
select(-ID) %>%
Load the training, testing, and exemplary datasets. Prepare the exemplary dataset to align with the training data structure.
load(paste(here::here(), my_experiment_name, "train_data.RData", sep = "/"))
load(paste(here::here(), my_experiment_name, "test_data.RData", sep = "/"))
exemplary_set <- readRDS(paste(here::here(), my_experiment_name, "exemplary_set.RDS", sep = "/"))
exemplary_set <- exemplary_dataset %>%
prepare_data_for_modelling(target = my_target) %>%
Source the necessary helper functions for ensembling, then calculate stepwise metrics using different values of the regularization parameter (lambda
). This step allows you to evaluate ensemble size and voting strategies (e.g., soft voting) under varying conditions.
Run the stepwise metric calculation. Here, you evaluate the performance of ensembles containing different numbers of models (e.g., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) while varying the regularization parameter lambda
between 0 and 1.
ensembling_results <-
lapply(seq(0, 1, 0.25), function(lambda){
lambda = lambda,
vec_of_ensemble_size = c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9),
voting = "soft",
Visualize the stepwise ensemble performance using the show_plots()
function. Save the resulting plots to a file for future reference.
ensembling_results %>% show_plots()
Extract and analyze the predictions generated by the ensembles, focusing on ensemble size, accuracy, and other metrics of interest.
ensembling_results %>%
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
select(n_ensemble, lambda, `TRUE`, `FALSE`, n_not_classified, adjusted_acc, accuracy) %>%
filter(lambda == 0)
You can also examine the models included in each ensemble for different values of lambda
ensembling_results %>%
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
filter(lambda == 0)