Here is my technology infrastructure for my 2021 portfolio to validate my Front End Skills.
- Choice of the Front Server : NodeJs v14
- Choice of the JS Framework : ViteJS
Used Librairies : ThreeJS, VanillaTilt, JQuery
Demo of the initial infrastructure
Download the repo using HTTPS or SSH:
git clone
npm install
npm run dev
Your app should open up automatically at http://localhost:3000 and you shoud see the first piece of code.
- HTML: Semantic, Best Practices, Accessibility, SEO
- CSS: Modern CSS, Responsive Design, Transition/Animation, Flexbox, Grid, Custom Properties
- Basic Tools: Text Editor, Terminal, Design
- Internet working: Hosting, DNS, HTTP
- Javascript: Syntax, DOM Manip, Fetch, JSON, ES6+
- FrameWork: Vite
- Package Management: npm
- Version Control: Git, Github
- Back-End Path : Javascript (Nodejs)
- Database: JSON, SQL
ViteJS is an open-source project running under the MIT License.