A command-line tool to receive data from Ophir Vega Device
- OphirCom: device driver
- clipp
- boost/range/adaptor/indexed
Note: this program is using some codes that are deprecated C++17.
First, Unplug the device from the computer. Double click InstallOphirCom.bak
in the package, and confirm the consent prompt from UAC. (Or you also could right-click InstallOphirCom.bak
and click on Run as an administrator
You will see a message from the windows registry server if success.
There are two ways to open a Command Prompt in windows.
- Open the Start menu, type
- Use
, typecmd
and clickok
Note: The Command Prompt does not need to, and shouldn’t be run as an administrator. It might pose problems when you edit the data log files.
Use cd /d
to Change Directories to the Vega.exe resides.
means changes the current drive at the same time.)
cd /d "/path/to/Vega.exe"
For example, if Vega.exe
is located in C:\desktop\Ophir Vega\Vega.exe
, you can use
cd /d "C:\desktop\Ophir Vega"
And now you can use
./Vega.exe [options]
to run the program
Uninstall is not necessary after finishing the program. But if you want, unplug the device from the computer and double click the RemoveOphirCom.bak
are all you have to do.
Using ./Vega.exe --help
to show this help information:
PS C:\Desktop\Ophir Vega> .\Vega.exe --help
Vega.exe --help
Vega.exe [--filter [<filter>]] [--range [<range>]] [--wavelength [<wavelength>]] [--MeasureMode][--no-save-setting] [--no-open-device] [--format [<Format>]] [-o <path>] [-q]
--help, -h Show this message.
You can use '--filter', '--range' or '--wavelength' to list options and use '--format' for more information of formatting output.
--filter <filter> Select the filter mode.
--range <range> Select the range.
--wavelength <wavelength> Specify the wavelength.
--MeasureMode Select the MeasureMode.
--no-save-setting Do not save setting to Vega.
--no-open-device Do not open device.
--format <Format> Output data format. (default: 'yy-mm-dd HH:MM:SSttDATAttTIMESTAMP')
-o, --output <path> Output data to a file. (default: '.\Vega <Date>.txt')
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, will not print data info in command line.
- regenerate the project using CMake
- (maybe) turn this project into an installable exe