Usage for jcc_jingtum_lib
Server class connects jingtum with ws lib to keep long connection. It's packaged to Remote
class, should not be used outside jcc_jingtum_lib.
Main function class in jcc_jingtum_lib. It creates a handle with jingtum, makes request to jingtum, subscribes event to jingtum, ands gets info from jingtum.
- Remote(options)
- connect(callback)
- disconnect()
- requestServerInfo()
- requestLedgerClosed()
- requestLedger(options)
- requestTx(options)
- requestAccountInfo(options)
- requestAccountTums(options)
- requestAccountRelations(options)
- requestAccountOffers(options)
- requestAccountTx(options)
- requestOrderBook(options)
- requestPathFind(options)
- createAccountStub()
- createOrderBookStub()
- buildPaymentTx(options)
- buildRelationTx(options)
- buildAccountSetTx(options)
- buildOfferCreateTx(options)
- buildOfferCancelTx(options)
options for setup a remote, options including
"server": "wss://",
"token": "swt",
"local_sign": false
is string for jingtum websocket server url, local_sign
checks if jcc_jingtum_lib sign transaction in local, token
is string for jingtum or jingtum alliance chains, the value is swt
or bwt
that respectively represents jingtum chain and bizain chain.
bwt是商链的原生币,也是燃料币,商链是井通链的联盟链,如果添加新的联盟链,需要在 jcc_jingtum_base_lib项目中src/wallet_config.js 添加新的联盟链定义即可,如果需要我们增加请联系我们。
BWT is the native token and gas token of BIZAIN. BIZAIN is the alliance chain of jingtum. If you add a new alliance chain, you need to add a new definition of the alliance chain in project jcc_jingtum_base_lib folder src/wallet_config.js.
If you need to add it in this package, please contact us.
Each remote object should connect jingtum first. Now jingtum should connect manual, only then you can send request to backend. callback as callback(err, ret), err checks error info, ret is restul result.
Remote object can be disconnected manual, and no parameters are required.
Create request object and get server info from jingtum, including
"version": "0.29.60", //服务程序版本号
"ledgers": "6753-14393", //该服务缓存的账本区间
"node": "n9LxdTZbjjQnuPiM5SgwPYQndfb64YHbmCp1mhsoch7uw5HQJ3k6", //节点公钥
"state": "full 34:35:40" //服务器当前状态:full可提供服务状态;proposing验证节点状态
is currenct jingtum version; ledgers
are complted ledgers in system; node
is jingtum node id; state
is currenct jingtum node state.
Create request object and get last closed ledger in system. return data include ledger_index, ledger_hash and so on.
"fee_base": 10,
"ledger_hash": "326EF17272606D8DD72F96F6299E54839D76435DCEB6F68385D891105ABB0E6C",
"ledger_index": 14402,
"reserve_base": 10000000,
"reserve_inc": 1000000,
"txn_count": 0,
"validated": "6753-14402"
is current swt fee in each transaction. ledger_hash
and ledger_index
are last closed ledger height info. reserve_base
and reserve_in
c are reserve swt infomations. txn_count
is transaction count in last closed ledger. validated
is current validated ledgers in last cloed ledger.
options can be ledger index and ledger hash. If none is provided, then last closed ledger is returned.
"accepted": true,
"ledger_hash": "32A1E3E58000183D5D50E9662133183DFA9BA695763B4D44B5FEDF71476A1DF1",
"ledger_index": "14468",
"parent_hash": "6CEBA5BC7EDDD3AD110F5F9933FE2301443A99BC7158DFF19C04AF5E7F5BABD3",
"close_time": "2016-Nov-26 14:43:10",
"total_coins": "600000000000000000"
marks the ledger is accepted. ledger_hash
and ledger_index
are ledger height informations. parent_hash
is parent ledger hash. close_time
is ledger closed time in UTC+8. total_coins
is total swt in system.
requestTx is used to query one transaction information. Options should be proivide transaction hash as
"hash": "6E7F4962B3B13E3D9C0D13120E17FE1B3DBF4EA677D1D19AAEC38C9B74EBF73B"
Each result is one transaction information. The result is as follow
"Account": "jhYk8VyFaHYwQRgqNfrP9QcPkRmJoEFB6V",
"Fee": "12",
"Flags": 2148007936,
"LastLedgerSequence": 4518373,
"Sequence": 3,
"SigningPubKey": "029E5D69804957211EB45BF973CDCCD994466BA672C997808892F657DE41A4CB1B",
"TakerGets": "1000000",
"TakerPays": {
"currency": "CNY",
"issuer": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS",
"value": "0.9499999999"
"TransactionType": "OfferCreate",
"TxnSignature": "30440220729E10A9A5F60DE4839E8284E0532BA5741539AACFD3598922102A7FD48E96C60220588921DE0F892241F863D0BB2436D55E15C4D7259A874A9023ACC8814C4D4B9C",
"date": 533033560,
"hash": "D2B8DBDBC4D8264DAE461A24CCA9AD790DEB10F091F5528DB97D3A74AE6C75C6",
"inLedger": 4518365,
"ledger_index": 4518365,
"meta": {
"AffectedNodes": [{
"ModifiedNode": {
"FinalFields": {
"Account": "j9eM8GiBb4QFRZZsrsde6XTPDenXEFnrkm",
"Balance": "13371029608006",
"Flags": 0,
"OwnerCount": 9,
"Sequence": 12
"LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
"LedgerIndex": "9A70EC2B21AC5C85498444281EABF08CF63BB8844B407300B385371A0623F0D7",
"PreviousFields": {
"Balance": "13371028608006"
"PreviousTxnID": "BBE8F8CFB2CA6EFA10C1884EFFD36154B30702D9446D10A6158106D168B65C83",
"PreviousTxnLgrSeq" : 4465533
"TransactionIndex": 0,
"TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS"
"status": "success",
"validated": true
It is used to get account info. Options should provie account, and ledger is optional. Options are as follow.
"account": "jLiQ4FfNhezwFzQEgKAKNHBM35S2BnJwxj",
"ledger_index": "10000"
And result is as follow
"account_data": {
"Account": "jLiQ4FfNhezwFzQEgKAKNHBM35S2BnJwxj",
"Balance": "1001999904",
"Flags": 0,
"LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
"OwnerCount": 5,
"PreviousTxnID": "F39560463022FD9ED78BA378DB2D2DD6CC46ECCA5F2D5A052916BE22C1A1B845",
"PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 8173,
"Sequence": 9,
"index": "7B12CC6E0B76FC0CA1CD11436488C1CE3C1709B93EF62CD9E6155C3A9D7554A0"
"ledger_hash": "F0F8799C2F7DCD3DE3F429831640F4520C1BAF5F55E505A9925DBF6B0C8D12E4",
"ledger_index": 14531,
"validated": true
is account data information. ledger_index
and ledger_hash
is ledger height for the account.
Each account helds many jingtum tums, and the received and sent tums can be found by requestAccountTums. The Options are as follow
"account": "jLiQ4FfNhezwFzQEgKAKNHBM35S2BnJwxj",
"ledger_index": "10000"
parameter is required and ledger_inex
or ledger_hash
or ledger
are optional.
The result is as follow
"ledger_hash": "084769A988AFF8B430E71D1F9E6FBC1452C8DE06A84405BF6B5EE49D0B30ED6B",
"ledger_index": 14559,
"receive_currencies": ["CNY", "EUR", "USD"],
"send_currencies": ["CNY"],
"validated": true
is tums that can be received by this account, send_currenies
is tums that will be sent by this account.
Jingtum wallet is connected by many relations. Now jingtum support trust
, authorize
and freeze
relation, all can be query by requestAccountRelations.
The query options is as follow
"type": "trust",
"account": "jLiQ4FfNhezwFzQEgKAKNHBM35S2BnJwxj",
"ledger_index": "10000"
The result is as follow
"account": "jLiQ4FfNhezwFzQEgKAKNHBM35S2BnJwxj",
"ledger_hash": "1565BD1869E0CE4E23B78DE09BA624E39E79E1DDDF22A0979881C1D3D937E391",
"ledger_index": 14604,
"lines": [{
"account": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS",
"balance": "0",
"currency": "USD",
"limit": "1000",
"limit_peer": "0",
"no_skywell": true,
"quality_in": 0,
"quality_out": 0
}, {
"account": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS",
"balance": "29997.5",
"currency": "CNY",
"limit": "10000000000",
"limit_peer": "0",
"no_skywell": true,
"quality_in": 0,
"quality_out": 0
}, {
"account": "j6wtnp1LB23h4hRQjk2tA3hCzNMnRW1j3",
"balance": "0",
"currency": "USD",
"limit": "1000",
"limit_peer": "0",
"no_skywell": true,
"quality_in": 0,
"quality_out": 0
}, {
"account": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS",
"balance": "0",
"currency": "EUR",
"limit": "1000",
"limit_peer": "0",
"no_skywell": true,
"quality_in": 0,
"quality_out": 0
"validated": true
requestAccountOffers query account's current offer that is suspended on jingtum system, and will be filled by other accounts.
Options is the same as requestAccountInfo
and requestAccountTums
And The request is as follow.
"account": "jLiQ4FfNhezwFzQEgKAKNHBM35S2BnJwxj",
"ledger_hash": "CB3F1AE7904E1F4676F8041848C1866280074C3D705D51C2ABC0FCB13C61ED9F",
"ledger_index": 14630,
"offers": [{
"flags": 131072,
"seq": 3,
"taker_gets": "2000000",
"taker_pays": {
"value": "0.01",
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS"
"validated": true
It is used to query account transactions, and the options is same as requestAccountInfo
The request is as array of transaction.
requestOrderBook is used to query order book info. The options is as follow.
"gets": {
"currency": "CNY",
"issuer": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS"
"pays": {
"currency": "SWT",
"issuer": ""
Firstly , each order book has a currency pair, as AAA/BBB. When to quer the bid orders, gets is AAA and pays is BBB. When to query the ask orders, gets is BBB and pays is AAA. The result is array of orders.
It is used to query path from one curreny to another. Options is as follow.
"account": "jpidrAsPWDTTHhbBf9BCn5suWHQJqhynVi",
"destination": "jEo4AY8MFitgyRTNwnQCwSesn1XWjbY9Aa",
"amount": {
"value": "0.001",
"currency": "SWT",
"issuer": ""
And the result is as follow.
"choice": {
"currency": "BTC",
"issuer": "jpidrAsPWDTTHhbBf9BCn5suWHQJqhynVi",
"value": "0.001"
"key": "415aebe163e891e0f5cd63b328dbf0fee2fd51e8"
}, {
"choice": {
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": "jpidrAsPWDTTHhbBf9BCn5suWHQJqhynVi",
"value": "0.001"
"key": "f53b09afcf9e1758a7b647f2f738c86426cabfc1"
In this path find, the user want to send swt to another account. The system provides two choices, one is to use BTC and the other is to use USD.
In each choice, one key
is presented. Key is used to setPath
in transaction parameter setting.
AcccountStub is account class, and is used to subscribe events of account. Each account is a event, and can be subscribed on account stub.
OrderBookStub is same as AccountStub. The event for OrderBookStub is orderbook currency pair, as AAA:issuer/BBB:issuer
, and if AAA
or BBB
is SWT the part is SWT
and no issuer is required.
Normal payment transaction. More parameters can be set by transaction functions. The secret is requried, and others are optional.
One options is as follow
"from": "jPgsnN1uRTiqiNsJinqDdshBaasHWzM4wD",
"to": "j9bouxUJLqw5QmtXWTarX7MpL8ohLJ57tJ",
"amount": {
"value": "1110.01",
"currency": "SWT",
"issuer": ""
Relation Transaction is built by this function. Now Jingtum supports trust
, authorize
and freeze
relation setting.
Same as payment transaction parameter setting, secret is required and others are optional.
One options is as follow
"type": "trust",
"account": "jPgsnN1uRTiqiNsJinqDdshBaasHWzM4wD",
"limit": {
"value": "10000",
"currency": "CNY",
"issuer": "jBciDE8Q3uJjf111VeiUNM775AMKHEbBLS"
is required to separate relation types.
AccountSet Transaction is used to set account attribute. Now Jingtum supoorts three account attributes setting, as property
, delegate
and signer
. property
is used to set normal account info, delegate
is used to set delegate account for this account, and signer
is used to set signers for this acccount.
Same as payment transaction parameter setting, secret is required and others are optional.
One options
is as follow
"type": "delegate",
"source": "jPgsnN1uRTiqiNsJinqDdshBaasHWzM4wD",
"delegate_key": "j9zm131bYDNqaeZQvkRxwyLx3VD69KgmGi"
is required to separate account setting types.
Create one offer and submit to system.
One options
is as follow
"source": "jPgsnN1uRTiqiNsJinqDdshBaasHWzM4wD",
"type": "Sell",
"gets": {
"value": "1",
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": "jHVgw3zejmLbKaGEsM6go2HRXffWE9AJr4"
"pays": {
"value": "1",
"currency": "SWT",
"issuer": ""
can be Sell
or Buy
, and is required. gets
is the amount to get, pays
is the amount can to exchange out.
Order can be cancel by order sequence. The sequence can be get when order is submitted or from offer query operation.
One options
is as follow
"source": "jPgsnN1uRTiqiNsJinqDdshBaasHWzM4wD",
"sequence": 16
is number and is requred.
- Listening all transactions occur in the system.
- Listening all last closed ledger event.
- Listening all server status change event.
Request is used to get server, account, orderbook and path info. Request is not secret required, and will be public to every one. All request is asynchronized and should provide a callback. Each callback has two parameter, one is error and the other is result.
- selectLedger(ledger)
- submit(callback)
select one ledger for current request, ledger can be follow options,
- ledger index
- ledger hash
- current, validated, closed
After ledger is selected, the result is for the specified ledger.
Callback entry for request. Each callback has two parameter, one is error and the other is result.
Transaction is used to make transaction and collect transaction parameter. Each transaction is secret required, and transaction can be signed local or remote. Now remote sign is supported, local sign will be suport soon. All transaction is asynchronized and should provide a callback. Each callback has two parameter, one is error and the other is result.
- getAccount()
- getTransactionType()
- setSecret(secret)
- addMemo(memo)
- setPath(key)
- setSendMax(amount)
- setTransferRate(rate)
- setFlags(flags)
- submit(callback)
Each transaction has account
, source
, or from
account, and its secret should be set.
Account can be master account, delegate account or operation account.
Get transaction type. Now Jingtum supports Payment
, OfferCreate
, OfferCancel
, AccountSet
and so on.
GetTransactionType return transaction type string.
Set Transaction secret, this function is required before transaction submit.
Add one memo to transaction, memo is string and is limited to 2k. Memo is one way to add payload to transaction. But payload should be add in another way.
Set path for one transaction. The key parameter is request by requestPathFind. When the key is set, SendMax
parameter is also set.
Set payment transaction max amount when needed. It is set by setPath
Set transaction transfer rate. It should be check with fee.
Set transaction flags. It is used to set Offer type mainly. As follows
Submit entry for transaction.
Account is account stub for account events. One Account stub can subscribe many account events. Each event name is account address.
Subscribe account
Unsubscribe account
OrderBook is order book stub for order book events. One OrderBook stub can subscribe many order book events.
Each event name is order book pair. As follows
Subscribe orderbook
Unsubscribe orderbook