## import all liberies..
## pandas for data manipulation of data and analyis
## numpy for numerical operations
## matplotlib.pyplot and seaborn for data visualization
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
dataframe = pd.read_csv("Zomato data .csv")
name online_order book_table rate votes \
0 Jalsa Yes Yes 4.1/5 775
1 Spice Elephant Yes No 4.1/5 787
2 San Churro Cafe Yes No 3.8/5 918
3 Addhuri Udupi Bhojana No No 3.7/5 88
4 Grand Village No No 3.8/5 166
.. ... ... ... ... ...
143 Melting Melodies No No 3.3/5 0
144 New Indraprasta No No 3.3/5 0
145 Anna Kuteera Yes No 4.0/5 771
146 Darbar No No 3.0/5 98
147 Vijayalakshmi Yes No 3.9/5 47
approx_cost(for two people) listed_in(type)
0 800 Buffet
1 800 Buffet
2 800 Buffet
3 300 Buffet
4 600 Buffet
.. ... ...
143 100 Dining
144 150 Dining
145 450 Dining
146 800 Dining
147 200 Dining
[148 rows x 7 columns]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1/5 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1/5 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8/5 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7/5 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8/5 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
143 | Melting Melodies | No | No | 3.3/5 | 0 | 100 | Dining |
144 | New Indraprasta | No | No | 3.3/5 | 0 | 150 | Dining |
145 | Anna Kuteera | Yes | No | 4.0/5 | 771 | 450 | Dining |
146 | Darbar | No | No | 3.0/5 | 98 | 800 | Dining |
147 | Vijayalakshmi | Yes | No | 3.9/5 | 47 | 200 | Dining |
148 rows × 7 columns
def handlerate(value):
value =str(value).split("/")
value = value[0];
return float(value)
name online_order book_table rate votes \
0 Jalsa Yes Yes 4.1 775
1 Spice Elephant Yes No 4.1 787
2 San Churro Cafe Yes No 3.8 918
3 Addhuri Udupi Bhojana No No 3.7 88
4 Grand Village No No 3.8 166
approx_cost(for two people) listed_in(type)
0 800 Buffet
1 800 Buffet
2 800 Buffet
3 300 Buffet
4 600 Buffet
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 148 entries, 0 to 147
Data columns (total 7 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 name 148 non-null object
1 online_order 148 non-null object
2 book_table 148 non-null object
3 rate 148 non-null float64
4 votes 148 non-null int64
5 approx_cost(for two people) 148 non-null int64
6 listed_in(type) 148 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 8.2+ KB
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
sns.countplot(x=dataframe["listed_in(type)"],palette="Set1") #Set2,coolwarm
plt.xlabel("TYPE OF RESTAURANT's",fontsize=10)
plt.ylabel("NUMBER OF ORDER'S",fontsize=10)
C:\Users\arjit\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_17072\2928614793.py:1: FutureWarning:
Passing `palette` without assigning `hue` is deprecated and will be removed in v0.14.0. Assign the `x` variable to `hue` and set `legend=False` for the same effect.
sns.countplot(x=dataframe["listed_in(type)"],palette="Set1") #Set2,coolwarm
([0, 1, 2, 3],
[Text(0, 0, 'Buffet'),
Text(1, 0, 'Cafes'),
Text(2, 0, 'other'),
Text(3, 0, 'Dining')])
# bargraph
- The majority of customers tend to order food from Dining type restaurants, followed by Cafes. Buffet restaurants come in third, while other types of restaurants account for a smaller share of customer preferences.
- This suggests a strong preference for dining-in experiences, with cafes also being a popular choice for many customers.
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
result = pd.DataFrame({"votes": grouped_data})
plt.xlabel("Type Of Restaurant",c="grey",size=15)
# line graph
Dining-type restaurants receive the highest number of votes from customers, indicating a strong preference for this restaurant category.
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
plt.title("Rating Distribution")
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
couple_data = dataframe["approx_cost(for two people)"]
C:\Users\arjit\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_17072\3262229793.py:2: FutureWarning:
Passing `palette` without assigning `hue` is deprecated and will be removed in v0.14.0. Assign the `x` variable to `hue` and set `legend=False` for the same effect.
<Axes: xlabel='approx_cost(for two people)', ylabel='count'>
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
plt.figure(figsize = (6,6))
sns.boxplot(x = "online_order",y ="rate",data = dataframe,palette ="Set2")
C:\Users\arjit\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_17072\1069442493.py:2: FutureWarning:
Passing `palette` without assigning `hue` is deprecated and will be removed in v0.14.0. Assign the `x` variable to `hue` and set `legend=False` for the same effect.
sns.boxplot(x = "online_order",y ="rate",data = dataframe,palette ="Set2")
<Axes: xlabel='online_order', ylabel='rate'>
# box plot
Cell In[90], line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In conclusion, online orders receive higher ratings than offline orders. This trend reflects greater customer satisfaction with online ordering.
What type of restaurant generates the highest number of offline orders, making them eligible for Zomato's promotional offers?
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | online_order | book_table | rate | votes | approx_cost(for two people) | listed_in(type) | |
0 | Jalsa | Yes | Yes | 4.1 | 775 | 800 | Buffet |
1 | Spice Elephant | Yes | No | 4.1 | 787 | 800 | Buffet |
2 | San Churro Cafe | Yes | No | 3.8 | 918 | 800 | Buffet |
3 | Addhuri Udupi Bhojana | No | No | 3.7 | 88 | 300 | Buffet |
4 | Grand Village | No | No | 3.8 | 166 | 600 | Buffet |
pivot_table = dataframe.pivot_table(index ="listed_in(type)",columns="online_order",aggfunc="size",fill_value=0)
sns.heatmap(pivot_table,annot =True,cmap="YlGnBu",fmt="d")
Dining restaurants receive more offline orders, while cafes receive more online orders. This suggests that customers prefer in-person dining at restaurants and opt for online ordering at cafes.
This Zomato Data Analysis project provides insightful findings based on the analysis of restaurant data across various categories. The following key conclusions can be drawn from the analysis:
- Most Preferred Restaurant Type:
- The majority of customers tend to prefer Dining type restaurants, followed by Cafes. Buffet restaurants come in third, while other types have a relatively smaller share in customer preferences.
- This suggests that dining-in experiences are more popular, with cafes also being a popular choice.
- Votes by Restaurant Type:
- Dining type restaurants receive the highest number of votes, reinforcing the fact that this category has the most customer engagement.
- This further emphasizes the popularity of dining options for customers.
- Highest Ratings by Restaurant Category:
- The highest ratings across various restaurant types were analyzed, offering a glimpse into customer satisfaction levels and the overall quality of services provided by restaurants.