A command line shim to interact with the Iris Debug server of an ARM FVP
/!\ This is alpha /!\
For the time being, run the help command cargo run help
or cornea help
to figure out usage.
Be aware that you need to add the -I
option to the Fast Model/FVP command line.
As far as I can tell, there's not default way to add this parameter to a west build from the command line.
I have added it manually to ARM_FVP_FLAGS
in board.cmake
within my board's directory.
This is not an ideal solution, so it would be nice to standardize something.
FVPs and Fast Models are built on 'instances', which simulate an individual ip block
or ip block connection.
Instances are named within a model are organized in a tree-like manner and
named separating layers with a .
Many subcommands of cornea accept an instance as a parameter.
The following examples all use the FVP for the Corstone1000.
Printing the children instances of the secure element in the hierarchy:
$ cornea child-list component.IoT_Corstone_1000.se
---- etc. ----
Print a table describing the resources of the host-cluster0, cpu0:
$ cornea resource-list component.IoT_Corstone_1000.host.cluster0.core0
type │ bits │ name │ description
Reg │ 32 │ PC_MEMSPACE │ Iris memory space id of the current PC and the current SP.
Reg │ 64 │ X0 │ X0
Reg │ 64 │ X1 │ X1
Reg │ 64 │ X2 │ X2
---- etc. ----
Printing the PC of the host cpu0:
$ cornea resurce-read component.IoT_Corstone_1000.host.cluster0.cpu0 PC
value │ name
0 │ PC
Reading 8 bytes of memory at address 6 as seen by the flash memory grouped into u16 sized entries:
$ cornea memory-read component.IoT_Corstone_1000.board.flash0 6 8 --group-by u16
0 2 4 6 8 a c e
00000000 e800 0010 e7ff e800 ........
Create a gdb connection to the model from the perspective of the secure enclave processor:
#!/bin/env -S gdb -ix
set arch armv6-m
target remote | cornea gdb-proxy component.IoT_Corstone_1000.se.cpu
Note: The above is a script that, when made executable, will connect to the model automatically, similar to the behavior when you run gdb with an executable parameter or a process id flag.