Weather Web is a simple web application that allows users to search for weather information by city. The app fetches data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays temperature, weather conditions, and a matching weather emoji. It includes error handling for invalid city names or API issues.
- City Search: Users can enter a city name and fetch weather data for that location.
- Weather Data Display: The app displays the city's name, temperature (with min/max values), description, humidity, wind speed, and a weather emoji.
- Responsive Design: The layout adjusts well for different screen sizes.
- Weather Emoji: Different emojis are used to represent weather conditions based on the weather ID.
- Error Handling: The app handles errors such as invalid city names.
- Reset Functionality: After viewing the weather for one city, users can reset and search for another city.
- JavaScript
- OpenWeatherMap API
You can view the live demo here: (