A moodle-like django web app to manage submissions and evaluations of IT projects
Follow these steps to set up the IT Academia project on your local machine.
- Python (3.7+)
- MySQL Database Server
git clone https://github.com/Ionfinisher/it-academia.git
cd it-academia
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a MySQL database for the project with the dump file. Update the DATABASES configuration in it_academia/settings.py with your database settings.
Make sure to only migrate the academia app because the admin app can cause errors
python manage.py makemigrations academia
python manage.py migrate academia
python manage.py runserver
The IT Academia website will now be accessible at
Access the admin panel at and log in with email: admin@admin.com, password: adminitacademia to manage courses, assignments, users, and grades.
Teachers can log in and create assignments for their courses.
One teacher credentials:
email: ferrera.marta@itacademia.com, password: Voltoche21.
Students can log in, view assignments, submit solutions, and view their grades and feedback.
One student credentials:
email: john.doe@itacademia.com, password: Voltoche21.
it_academia/settings.py: Main project settings file.
it_academia/urls.py: URL routing configuration.
academia/models.py: Define the data models.
academia/forms.py: Define forms for user interactions.
academia/views.py: Implement views for rendering pages and handling requests.
templates/: Contains HTML templates for rendering pages.