A curated list of IoT Projects. Everyone can contribute here!
requirements: connect internet.
- Running HomeBridge on a Raspberry Pi
- Keyword: Homebridge, Raspberry Pi, Node.js, Avahi
- Devices: Raspberry Pi
- IoT Weather Station With Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266
- Keyword: ESP8266, DHT11, TMP102, BMP180
- Devices: ESP8266
- IoT Analytics Platform
- Keyword: Analytics, IoT, Spark, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka
- Triggering IFTTT From Arduino Using Lithouse
- Keyword: IFTTT, Arduino, Lithouse, WeMo
- Devcies: Arduino, WeMo switch
- Using Docker on a Raspberry Pi as an IoT hub
- Keyword: Docker, Node-RED, InfluxDB, MQTT, Mosquitto
- Devices: Raspberry Pi,
- Serverless IoT with Particle and Amazon Web Services
- Keyword: AWS, Serverless, Particle Photon, Lambda, DynamoDB
- Devices: Particle Photon
- Control a Star Wars BB-8 Droid With Arm Gestures and IBM Bluemix Internet of Things
- Keyword: robot, gestures, Bluemix
- Devices: Myo Gesture Control Armband, Raspberry Pi, Sphero Star Wars BB-8 Droid
- Internet of Things on the Xbox (App Dev on Xbox series)
- Keyword: XBox, UWP, Windows IoT Core
- Devices: XBox
- Telegram Bot Library
- Keyword: Telegram, bot, Arduino
- Devices: Arduino MKR1000
- 动手DIY一个智能镜子
- Keyword: Chromecase, AdSignage
- Chromecast, Harmony Hub, iPhone
- Home automation with Z-Wave, Home-Assistant, Aeon Multisensor, HUE lights, and a Raspberry Pi 2
- Keyword: Home-Assistant, Aeon Multisensor, Phillips HUE
- Devices: Raspberry Pi, Hue, DD-WRT, Z-wave
- Home automation with Raspberry Pi + Homebridge
- Keyword: Homebridge, JavaScript, Node.js
- Devices: Raspberry Pi,
- Pi + Homekit + Kodi = Home Centre
- Keyword: Homebridge, Kodi, Homekit
- Devices: Raspberry Pi
- 从米家到 HomeKit,你只需要一个树莓派
- Keyword: Xiaomi, Homekit, HomeBridge, Aqara
- Devices: Raspberry Pi
- 利用 HomeAssistant +树莓派+ Amazon Echo 的智能家居实践
- Keyword: HomeAssistant, Amazon Echo, IFTTT, Wemo
- Devices: Amazon Echo, Yeelight, ESP8266, BroadLink
- 借助树莓派与 HomeBridge ,将 YeeLight 彩光灯接入 Apple HomeKit
- Keyword: HomeBridge, YeeLight, HomeKit, Apple, iOS
- Devices: iPhone Devices, YeeLight, Raspberry Pi
- 自制 HomeKit 兼容 LED 灯条和温湿计
- Keyword: OpenWrt, HAP-NodeJS, Homekit, ESP8266
- Devices: iPhone, NewWifi, ESP8266
- NubChat - chat app for devices (and humans) with PubNub
- Keyword: PubNub, Chat App, Arduino
- Devices: MediaTek Labs LinkIt ONE, Android device
- Alexa Controlled Photon Project Without Alexa Coding
- Keyword: Photon, Amazon Skill, Amazon Echo
- Devices: Amazon Echo, Photon
- How To: DIY Home Automation With NodeMCU and Amazon Alexa
- Keyword: Amazon Echo, Amazon Alexa, NodeMCU, ESP8266
- Devices: Amazon Echo, NodeMCU
- Nick's House - Echo Pi Weather
- Keyword: AWS IoT, DHT22, sensors, Alexa Skills Kit, AWS Lambda
- Devices: Amazon Echo, Raspberry Pi 3
- Voice-Controlled Robot - Google Cloud Services
- Keyword: Google Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Speech API, Google App Engine,
- Devices: Arduino UNO, Android Devices, SparkFun RedBot Kit
- Hi Remote, meet Cortana and Windows 10 IoT
- Keyword: Cortana, Microsoft Azure, Windows 10 IoT Core
- Devices: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
- Adding Cortana and Bluetooth to a UWP app for Phillips Hue
- Keyword: Cortana, BLE, UWP, Hue
- Devices: Phillips Hue, Windows Phone
- Boost Your Google Home With Prota OS for RPi
- Keyword: IFTTT, Google Assistant,
- Devices: Google Home, Raspberry Pi, WebCam
- Use Cortana Function on IoT Core
- Keyword: Cortana, Windows IoT
- How to build a robot that “sees” with $100 and TensorFlow
- Keyword: Tensorflow, Robot, Raspberry Pi
- Devices: Raspberry Pi
- Pwnagotchi - Pwnagotchi is a WIFI cracking tool that uses A2C-based "AI" leveraging bettercap that learns from its surrounding WiFi environment to maximize the crackable WPA key material it captures (either passively, or by performing authentication and association attacks).
- Keyword: Machine Learning, WIFI Cracking, Raspberry Pi
- Devices: Raspberry Pi
Your contributions are always welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new IoT Projects to the list.