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This SDK is a client library for the INTMAX API. It is designed to help you integrate INTMAX services into your applications.

Installation for browser

  npm install intmax2-client-sdk


  pnpm install intmax2-client-sdk


  yarn add intmax2-client-sdk

Installation for Node.js

  npm install intmax2-server-sdk


  pnpm install intmax2-server-sdk


  yarn add intmax2-server-sdk


import { FeeResponse } from './index';

export interface INTMAXClient {
  // properties
  tokenBalances: TokenBalance[] | undefined;
  address: string; // IntMax public_key
  isLoggedIn: boolean;

  // account
  fetchTokenBalances: () => Promise<TokenBalancesResponse>;
  getPrivateKey: () => Promise<string | undefined>;
  signMessage: (message: string) => Promise<SignMessageResponse>;
  verifySignature: (signature: SignMessageResponse, message: string | Uint8Array) => Promise<boolean>;

  // transaction
  fetchTransactions: (params: FetchTransactionsRequest) => Promise<Transaction[]>;
  broadcastTransaction: (
    rawTransfers: BroadcastTransactionRequest[],
    isWithdrawal: boolean,
  ) => Promise<BroadcastTransactionResponse>;
  waitForTransactionConfirmation: (
    params: WaitForTransactionConfirmationRequest,
  ) => Promise<WaitForTransactionConfirmationResponse>;
  // deposit
  deposit: (params: PrepareDepositTransactionRequest) => Promise<PrepareDepositTransactionResponse>;
  fetchDeposits: (params: FetchTransactionsRequest) => Promise<(Transaction | null)[]>;

  // withdrawal
  fetchPendingWithdrawals: (params: FetchWithdrawalsRequest) => Promise<FetchWithdrawalsResponse>;
  withdraw: (params: WithdrawRequest) => Promise<WithdrawalResponse>;
  claimWithdrawal: (params: ContractWithdrawal[]) => Promise<ClaimWithdrawalTransactionResponse>;

  // Fees
  getTransferFee: (token: Token) => Promise<FeeResponse>;
  getWithdrawalFee: () => Promise<FeeResponse>;
  getClaimFee: () => Promise<FeeResponse>;
  // additional services
  login: () => Promise<LoginResponse>;
  logout: () => Promise<void>;
  getTokensList: () => Promise<Token[]>;

Usage for browser


const intmaxClient = IntmaxClient.init({
    environment: 'testnet', //  'mainnet' | 'devnet' | 'testnet' 

Usage for Node.js


const { IntmaxNodeClient } = require('intmax2-server-sdk');

const intMaxClient = new IntMaxNodeClient({
  environment: 'devnet',  //  'mainnet' | 'devnet' | 'testnet'
  eth_private_key: process.env.ETH_PRIVATE_KEY,
  l1_rpc_url: process.env.L1_RPC_URL, // better to paste your own rpc url, by default it will be use public RPC.

Usage for both

Login to get wallet

Here you should sign two message, they will be appeared in the popup window automatically.:

  1. Sign the message confirm your ETH wallet address.
  2. Sign the message with challenge string.
    await intmaxClient.login();
    const address = this.intmaxClient.address; // Public key of the wallet
    const privateKey = this.intmaxClient.getPrivateKey(); // Private key of the wallet. Here you should sign message.

Sign message

    const message = 'Hello, World!';
    const signature = await intmaxClient.signMessage(message);

Verify signature

    const message = 'Hello, World!';
    const signature = await intmaxClient.signMessage(message);
    const isVerified = await intmaxClient.verifySignature(signature, message);
    console.log(isVerified); // true

    const isFakeMessageVerify = await intmaxClient.verifySignature(signature, 'Another message');
    console.log(isFakeMessageVerify); // false

    const isFakeSignatureVerify = await intmaxClient.verifySignature('Another signature', message);
    console.log(isFakeSignatureVerify); // false

Get tokens list

    const tokens =  await intmaxClient.getTokensList();
    // tokens: {
    //    contractAddress: string;
    //    decimals?: number;
    //    image?: string;
    //    price: number;
    //    symbol?: string;
    //    tokenIndex: number;
    //    tokenType: TokenType;
    // }[]

Get token balances

    const { balances } = await intmaxClient.fetchTokenBalances();
    // balances: {
    //    token: Token; // Check get tokens list response
    //    amount: bigint;
    // }

Deposit Native Token (ETH)

    const amount = 0.1; // Amount of the token
    const tokens =  await intmaxClient.getTokensList(); // Get list of the tokens
    let token = tokens.find(token => token.tokenIndex ===0); // Find token by symbol

    if (token) {
      token = {

    // Estimate gas
    const gas = await intmaxClient.estimateDepositGas({
        address, // Your public key of the IntMax wallet or any other IntMax wallet public key
        isGasEstimation: true,

    // Deposit
    const deposit = await intmaxClient.deposit({
    // Deposit response
    // {
    //  txHash: `0x${string}`;
    //  status: TransactionStatus;
    // }

Deposit ERC20

    const amount = 0.1; // Amount of the token
    const tokens =  await intmaxClient.getTokensList(); // Get list of the tokens
    let token = tokens.find(token => token.tokenIndex ===0); // Find token by symbol

    if (!token) {
       token = {
         decimals: 18,             // Decimals of the token
         tokenType: TokenType.ERC20,
         contractAddress: '0x....' // Your Token address if not exist on token list
    }else {
      token = {

    // Estimate gas if need to show for user
    const gas = await intmaxClient.estimateDepositGas({
        address, // Your public key of the IntMax wallet or any other IntMax wallet public key
        isGasEstimation: true,

    // Deposit
    const deposit = await intmaxClient.deposit({
    // Deposit response
    // {
    //  txHash: `0x${string}`;
    //  status: TransactionStatus;
    // }

Deposit ERC721 / ERC1155

    const amount = 1; // Amount of the token for erc721 should be 1, for erc1155 can be more than 1
    const token = {
      tokenIndex: 1, // Nft id in contract 
      tokenType: TokenType.ERC721, // or TokenType.ERC1155 
      contractAddress: '0x....' // Your Token address if not exist on token list

    // Estimate gas if need to show for user
    const gas = await intmaxClient.estimateDepositGas({
      address, // Your public key of the IntMax wallet or any other IntMax wallet public key
      isGasEstimation: true,

    // Deposit
    const deposit = await intmaxClient.deposit({
    // Deposit response
    // {
    //  txHash: `0x${string}`;
    //  status: TransactionStatus;
    // }


    const amount = 0.1; // Amount of the token, for erc721 should be 1, for erc1155 can be more than 1
    const { balances } = await intmaxClient.fetchTokenBalances(); // fetch token balances
    // You can change filtration by tokenIndex or tokenAddress
    const token = balances.find((b) => b.token.tokenIndex === 0).token;

    // Withdraw
    const withdraw = await intmaxClient.withdraw({
      address, // Your public key of ETH wallet
    // Withdraw response
    // {
    //   txTreeRoot: string;
    //   transferData: TransferData[];
    //   withdrawalData: TransferData[];
    //   transferUUIDs: string[];
    //   withdrawalUUIDs: string[];
    // }

Fetch withdrawals (needToClaim, etc.)

    const withdrawals = await intmaxClient.fetchPendingWithdrawals(); // Record<WithdrawalsStatus, ContractWithdrawal[]>

Claim withdrawals

    const withdrawals = await intmaxClient.fetchPendingWithdrawals(); // Record<WithdrawalsStatus, ContractWithdrawal[]>
    const claim = await intmaxClient.claimWithdrawal(withdrawals.needClaim); // Claim response (should be add additional check for receiver address you can claim withdrawals only for your address)
    // {
    //   txHash: `0x${string}`;
    //   status: TransactionStatus;
    // }


    await intmaxClient.logout();