This SDK is a client library for the INTMAX API. It is designed to help you integrate INTMAX services into your applications.
npm install intmax2-client-sdk
pnpm install intmax2-client-sdk
yarn add intmax2-client-sdk
npm install intmax2-server-sdk
pnpm install intmax2-server-sdk
yarn add intmax2-server-sdk
import { FeeResponse } from './index';
export interface INTMAXClient {
// properties
tokenBalances: TokenBalance[] | undefined;
address: string; // IntMax public_key
isLoggedIn: boolean;
// account
fetchTokenBalances: () => Promise<TokenBalancesResponse>;
getPrivateKey: () => Promise<string | undefined>;
signMessage: (message: string) => Promise<SignMessageResponse>;
verifySignature: (signature: SignMessageResponse, message: string | Uint8Array) => Promise<boolean>;
// transaction
fetchTransactions: (params: FetchTransactionsRequest) => Promise<Transaction[]>;
broadcastTransaction: (
rawTransfers: BroadcastTransactionRequest[],
isWithdrawal: boolean,
) => Promise<BroadcastTransactionResponse>;
waitForTransactionConfirmation: (
params: WaitForTransactionConfirmationRequest,
) => Promise<WaitForTransactionConfirmationResponse>;
// deposit
deposit: (params: PrepareDepositTransactionRequest) => Promise<PrepareDepositTransactionResponse>;
fetchDeposits: (params: FetchTransactionsRequest) => Promise<(Transaction | null)[]>;
// withdrawal
fetchPendingWithdrawals: (params: FetchWithdrawalsRequest) => Promise<FetchWithdrawalsResponse>;
withdraw: (params: WithdrawRequest) => Promise<WithdrawalResponse>;
claimWithdrawal: (params: ContractWithdrawal[]) => Promise<ClaimWithdrawalTransactionResponse>;
// Fees
getTransferFee: (token: Token) => Promise<FeeResponse>;
getWithdrawalFee: () => Promise<FeeResponse>;
getClaimFee: () => Promise<FeeResponse>;
// additional services
login: () => Promise<LoginResponse>;
logout: () => Promise<void>;
getTokensList: () => Promise<Token[]>;
const intmaxClient = IntmaxClient.init({
environment: 'testnet', // 'mainnet' | 'devnet' | 'testnet'
const { IntmaxNodeClient } = require('intmax2-server-sdk');
const intMaxClient = new IntMaxNodeClient({
environment: 'devnet', // 'mainnet' | 'devnet' | 'testnet'
eth_private_key: process.env.ETH_PRIVATE_KEY,
l1_rpc_url: process.env.L1_RPC_URL, // better to paste your own rpc url, by default it will be use public RPC.
Here you should sign two message, they will be appeared in the popup window automatically.:
- Sign the message confirm your ETH wallet address.
- Sign the message with challenge string.
await intmaxClient.login();
const address = this.intmaxClient.address; // Public key of the wallet
const privateKey = this.intmaxClient.getPrivateKey(); // Private key of the wallet. Here you should sign message.
const message = 'Hello, World!';
const signature = await intmaxClient.signMessage(message);
const message = 'Hello, World!';
const signature = await intmaxClient.signMessage(message);
const isVerified = await intmaxClient.verifySignature(signature, message);
console.log(isVerified); // true
const isFakeMessageVerify = await intmaxClient.verifySignature(signature, 'Another message');
console.log(isFakeMessageVerify); // false
const isFakeSignatureVerify = await intmaxClient.verifySignature('Another signature', message);
console.log(isFakeSignatureVerify); // false
const tokens = await intmaxClient.getTokensList();
// tokens: {
// contractAddress: string;
// decimals?: number;
// image?: string;
// price: number;
// symbol?: string;
// tokenIndex: number;
// tokenType: TokenType;
// }[]
const { balances } = await intmaxClient.fetchTokenBalances();
// balances: {
// token: Token; // Check get tokens list response
// amount: bigint;
// }
const amount = 0.1; // Amount of the token
const tokens = await intmaxClient.getTokensList(); // Get list of the tokens
let token = tokens.find(token => token.tokenIndex ===0); // Find token by symbol
if (token) {
token = {
// Estimate gas
const gas = await intmaxClient.estimateDepositGas({
address, // Your public key of the IntMax wallet or any other IntMax wallet public key
isGasEstimation: true,
// Deposit
const deposit = await intmaxClient.deposit({
// Deposit response
// {
// txHash: `0x${string}`;
// status: TransactionStatus;
// }
const amount = 0.1; // Amount of the token
const tokens = await intmaxClient.getTokensList(); // Get list of the tokens
let token = tokens.find(token => token.tokenIndex ===0); // Find token by symbol
if (!token) {
token = {
decimals: 18, // Decimals of the token
tokenType: TokenType.ERC20,
contractAddress: '0x....' // Your Token address if not exist on token list
}else {
token = {
// Estimate gas if need to show for user
const gas = await intmaxClient.estimateDepositGas({
address, // Your public key of the IntMax wallet or any other IntMax wallet public key
isGasEstimation: true,
// Deposit
const deposit = await intmaxClient.deposit({
// Deposit response
// {
// txHash: `0x${string}`;
// status: TransactionStatus;
// }
const amount = 1; // Amount of the token for erc721 should be 1, for erc1155 can be more than 1
const token = {
tokenIndex: 1, // Nft id in contract
tokenType: TokenType.ERC721, // or TokenType.ERC1155
contractAddress: '0x....' // Your Token address if not exist on token list
// Estimate gas if need to show for user
const gas = await intmaxClient.estimateDepositGas({
address, // Your public key of the IntMax wallet or any other IntMax wallet public key
isGasEstimation: true,
// Deposit
const deposit = await intmaxClient.deposit({
// Deposit response
// {
// txHash: `0x${string}`;
// status: TransactionStatus;
// }
const amount = 0.1; // Amount of the token, for erc721 should be 1, for erc1155 can be more than 1
const { balances } = await intmaxClient.fetchTokenBalances(); // fetch token balances
// You can change filtration by tokenIndex or tokenAddress
const token = balances.find((b) => b.token.tokenIndex === 0).token;
// Withdraw
const withdraw = await intmaxClient.withdraw({
address, // Your public key of ETH wallet
// Withdraw response
// {
// txTreeRoot: string;
// transferData: TransferData[];
// withdrawalData: TransferData[];
// transferUUIDs: string[];
// withdrawalUUIDs: string[];
// }
const withdrawals = await intmaxClient.fetchPendingWithdrawals(); // Record<WithdrawalsStatus, ContractWithdrawal[]>
const withdrawals = await intmaxClient.fetchPendingWithdrawals(); // Record<WithdrawalsStatus, ContractWithdrawal[]>
const claim = await intmaxClient.claimWithdrawal(withdrawals.needClaim); // Claim response (should be add additional check for receiver address you can claim withdrawals only for your address)
// {
// txHash: `0x${string}`;
// status: TransactionStatus;
// }
await intmaxClient.logout();