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Ratio Bindings

Luna edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 3 revisions




Reset Button

The reset button will remove any tracking binding data for that parameter.
If you just wish to change the tracking input source then use the Tracking Source dropdown


Tracking Source

Displays a list of tracking sources with a filter field at the top, if available you are highly recommended to use blendshapes with the ft prefix¹. They are there to ease the binding of tracking data. You can additionally bind to the position or rotation data of Bones.


Bones can be differentiated from blendshapes by the extra dropdown menu that they have,

Bone Data

  • The X, Y and Z entries for a bone correspond to the bone's position in 3D space, their range is infinite in every axis.
  • The Roll, Pitch and Yaw entries correspond to the aircraft principal axes of the bone, their range is from -180 to 180 degrees.
[1] ft blendshapes are currently not available for the VMC protocol



Allows you to apply the inverted value of the tracking data, for example if your model was rigged so that the eye open/close was open at blendshape value 0, but open at value 1 inverse allows you to apply ftEyeBlink(side) without problems.



The dampening value allows you to tell Inochi Session to automatically smoothen out the values your binding outputs, you can use this if your expression seems jarring. The higher the value the smoother and slower the transitions between tracking data points will be.


Tracking In

The Tracking In section allows you to specify which tracking input range you want to map to the parameter, for blendshapes this value should usually be 0..1, but for some ft blendshapes, such as ftEyeXLeft or ftEyeYRight the range goes from -1..1.

For Bone Rotations you can can map the physical range (in angles) you want Inochi Session to register to your parameter. -30..30 degrees is recommended to start with, you can adjust as needed from there.


Tracking Out

The Tracking Out section allows you to add some final offset to what range of the parameter the value will be applied to.
For example a range of 0.5..1 will make so that the tracking data will always be half a blendshape or higher. You can also make the values more extreme by going outside the bounds of a blendshape (0..1) though you will rarely need to change this option.



The ftEyeXRight in this case goes from -1 to 1, as such we set the input to be in that range.


Here we use Tracking Out combined with Dampening to make the tracking more sensitive to blinking, you can use this technique if your tracking device won't let you close your eyes completely.