A FastAPI (Python) implementation of the Squonk2 (AS) Event Streaming service.
This repository is responsible for the container image that implements the event-streaming service of the Squonk2 AS platform and is deployed to the Namespace of the AS to service internal requests from the API to create, delete and connect to the internal messaging bus to stream events to a client.
The implementation is based on Python and the FastAPI framework, offering public web-sockets managed by an internal API, managed by the AS using the required endpoint: -
/event-stream POST
/event-stream GET
/event-stream/{id} DELETE
See the AS documentation for more details, and the discussion of the Event Streams service on its internal wiki.
The application runs two uvicorn FastAPI processes in the container: -
an API listening on port 8081
, and the web-socket service listening on port 8080
The project uses: -
- pre-commit to enforce linting of files prior to committing them to the upstream repository
- Commitizen to enforce a Conventional Commit commit message format
- Black as a code formatter
- Poetry as a package manager (for the b/e)
You MUST comply with these choices in order to contribute to the project.
To get started review the pre-commit utility and the conventional commit style and then set-up your local clone by following the Installation and Quick Start sections: -
poetry shell
poetry install --with dev
pre-commit install -t commit-msg -t pre-commit
Now the project's rules will run on every commit, and you can check the current health of your clone with: -
pre-commit run --all-files
The repository contains an ansible playbook that can be used to simplify the deployment of the application into a pre-existing Kubernetes Namespace but you will need to customise the playbook by first defining your own variables.
To install the application follow the steps below.
You will need access to your Kubernetes cluster and a KUBECONFIG file.
From a poetry shell, install the required dependencies: -
poetry install --with deploy
Move to the ansible
directory and define your variables: -
pushd ansible
All the required variables can be found at the top of the standard
file, but you are advised to inspect all the variables to ensure they are suitable for your installation (variables are defined indefault/main.yaml
You can create a parameters.yaml
file and set your variables there.
A parameters-template.yaml
file is provided as an example. This is protected from
accidental commits as it's in the project's .gitignore
file: -
cp parameters-template.yaml parameters.yaml
Then, when you have set your variables, identify your KUBECONFIG file, and run the playbook: -
export KUBECONFIG=~/k8s-config/nw-xch-dev.yaml
ansible-playbook site.yaml -e @parameters.yaml
Once deployed the application's internal API will be behind the service
on port 8081
, and available to any application running in the
cluster. The Account Server will be able to manage event streams via the URL
The external web-socket service will be available on the ingress host you've specified,
as either a ws://
or wss://
service, depending on the ingress configuration. If
the host is example.com
you should be able to connect to an unsecure web socket using
the URL ws://example.com/event-stream/{uuid}
To update the running image (to deploy a new tagged version) just re-run the
playbook with a suitable value for ess_image_tag
To remove the application run the playbook again, but set the ess_state
to absent
: -
ansible-playbook site.yaml -e @parameters.yaml -e ess_state=absent
The deployed application uses the Python logging framework. Significant events
are written to the console, and in a rotating file in /log/es.log
Access logging is written to a rotating file handler for /log/access.log
and WSGI logging to /log/wsgi.log
You can build and run the service using docker compose
: -
docker compose up --build --detach
You can interact with it using http
, where you should be able to create
and delete event streams using the internal API. Here we're using
and cut
to process the response body to simplify the subsequent DELETE
request: -
To create (POST) an event stream, run the following:
ESS_LOC=$(http post localhost:8081/event-stream/ routing_key=0123456789 -b | jq -r ".location")
echo $ESS_LOC
ESS_ID=$(echo $ESS_LOC | cut -d/ -f5)
echo $ESS_ID
To DELETE the event stream, run the following:
http delete localhost:8081/event-stream/$ESS_ID -b
To list (GET) all the existing event streams, run the following:
http localhost:8081/event-stream/ -b
The docker-compose file will start the web socket service on port 8080 and
the internal API on port 8081
. It will also run a RabbitMQ server, which can be found
on port 5672
As well as creating and deleting sockets via the internal API some very simple Python modules have also been provided to inject messages onto the RabbitMQ bus and to read messages from the corresponding web socket: -
If you have a websocket you can start a simple listener with the following command, which will print each message received: -
./ws_listener.py <location>
You can then inject a very simple MerchantCharge message that will be picked up by the client using the command: -
./ampq_publisher.py <routing_key>
By default the publisher uses a built-in AMPQ URL that is assumed to match the one used by RabbitMQ in the docker-compose file. If you need to change this you can provide a different AMPQ URL as a 2nd argument on the command line.