What's Changed
- Re-added figure to repository by @lmejn in #1
- Added GitHub Actions workflow for Documentation by @lmejn in #2
- Deploys to docs to gh-pages by @lmejn in #3
- Fluence from Moving MLC Aperture by @lmejn in #4
- MultiLeafCollimator and Gantry Structs by @lmejn in #5
- Updated DosePositions by @lmejn in #6
- Removed Unused Project Dependencies by @lmejn in #8
- New IO Formats by @lmejn in #9
- External Surface Update by @lmejn in #10
- Finite Pencil Beam Kernel by @lmejn in #11
- Fixed load_structure_from_ply for latest Meshes.jl version by @lmejn in #12
- Number of Minor Bugfixes by @lmejn in #13
- Moved beam-limiting devices plots to new repository by @lmejn in #14
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ACRF-Image-X-Institute/DoseCalculations.jl/commits/v0.7.3