Simulates a championship of football in a console.
- Enter the number of teams
- Enter the information of the teams one at a time {name,rank,pts}
- At the end of each day shows the matches of the day with their results
- At the end of the tournament shows the name of the team with the most points
- help to open a help in console help menu.
- new to start a new championship.
- next to go to the next day.
- log logs the matches for today in a file (txt).
- leader displays the leaderboards.
- quit stops the program.
- win : Gives the winning team +3 pts
- loss : Gives the losing team +0 pts
- draw : Gives both teams +1 pts
- log command : creates a file named {championship_name}_day{day_Name}.txt with the contents of the current matches and their results
- leader command : prints the current leader board of the teams
- quit command : quits the entire program and all information about the current championship WILL BE LOST