The release introduces a new feature to allow specification of call regions in a bed file. The details are described in the section "Call regions"of the User Guide.
The release also includes several improvements in calling RNA-seq data and a couple of bug fixes.
Full ChangeLog:
- MANTA-691 Add an option to specify call regions in a bed file
- MANTA-977/[#83] Improve SA tag error reporting
- Manta-894 Add INTRON_OPEN penality to off_edge splicing
- Manta-586 Add RNA filters to vcf
- MANTA-962/[#79] Add a user error for missing ini file
- MANTA-554 Disable multiJunction scoring logic in RNA mode
- MANTA-625 Add RNA-mode specific rnaMinCandidateSize option
- With default set to disable small variant calling
- MANTA-449 Move RNA-mode output to RnaSV.vcf.gz;
- Remove GT and related fields and filters
- No longer output unpaired breakends
manta-1.1.1.centos5_x86_64.tar.bz2 is a binary distribution for 64-bit linux. This is built on CentOS 5 with all dependencies except glibc statically linked. It is expected to run without modification on most linux distributions.
The manta-1.1.1.release_src.tar.bz2 download is the full source code release. The “Source code” downloads are generated by GitHub and are incomplete as they are missing version numbers and build system changes to improve portability.