Little bash script for delete temporary C/C++ IntelliSense VSCode ipch
What is ipch
folders ?
Contains precompiled header information used by IntelliSense, Microsoft's code assistance module used for code hinting, documentation, and autocompletion while the programmer types source code.
You can easily find this folder in .vscode
folder in you project folder (also it's ${workspaceFolder}/.vscode
Be sure this script have permission to run:
chmod u+x
Flag | Description | Argmunets |
-f | Finds all ipch folders from the specified directory. (default: ~ ) |
Directory. (Optional) |
-p | Deleting all ipch folders from the specified directory. (default: ~ ) |
Directory. (Optional) |
-q | Activate quiet mode. (No deleting info output) | 1: Directory. (Necessary) 2: Path to file in which will be printed output from quiet mode. (Nccessary) |
Last line in scripts output "find: ...: No such file or directory" tell you about what all works fine and this folder successly deleted.
Most effectivly way to use this script it's create alias without output info and add it's to your .[bash/zsh]rc:
echo "alias ipch_clear='~/vscode_ipch_cleaner/ -q ~ /dev/null'" >> ~/.zshrc
or similar equivalent:
echo "alias ipch_clear='~/vscode_ipch_cleaner/ >> /dev/null'" >> ~/.zshrc
Or you can set maximum cache size in Mb in VSCode settings:
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseCacheSize": 1024