Movie Book Finder is a React JS application for searching movies, series and books using TMDB API and Google Books APIs.
The main page contains lists of trending movies, top rated movies, upcoming movies, and movies currently playing. Using the sidebar, you can switch between pages of movies and series.
Clicking on a movie poster or book cover will take you to a page with more detailed information about that movie or book. You can add a movie to a watchlist, or a book to a reading list, which are displayed on the user's page.
- Install Node.js (in case you haven't installed it).
- Download the source code and open a command prompt in the project's root folder.
- Install the dependencies needed for the application.
npm install
- Start React project and development server.
npm start
- Open a new command prompt window, navigate to the project root folder again, and start the JSON server to permanently store watchlists with movies, series, and a reading list with books.
npm run start:server
This app was built using Create React App, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, SCSS, and JSON Server library.