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Monica Reminder

Monica reminder is a BASH script that will takeover the emailing of reminders for a Monica instance if you are experiencing problems. It is highly configurable and logs all its decisions.

It expects to be run at least daily however it can recover from multiple days of downtime and will email any missed reminders, marking them as "[LATE]". At the moment it has some restrictions but these could be fixed over time:

  • Hard-coded to send reminders at 0, 7 and 30 days ahead of an event.
  • Doesn't disable Monica's own reminder mechanism, so some duplicates may be received.

Table of Contents


My own self-hosted Monica instance is wonderful to use but reminders never quite seem to work. There are a few bugs on this: #1638, #4178, #5681, #6134. The authors of Monica are hard at work on a full rewrite so pull requests seem unlikely to succeed in the meantime. Instead I decided to fix it from the outside with a BASH script that takes over reminders completely.


Install monica-reminder on your Monica host if running on bare metal/VM. If Monica is running in a container install it on the container host.

To install with bin:

bin install

To install manually git clone this repo. Clone a tag to ensure you're on an official version. Optionally copy monica_reminder to a dir on your PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin.


Make sure you have BACKUPS before running monica-reminder. Whilst it should never touch anything other than it's own logs/data I can't predict its behaviour in every environment.

You should already have a working Monica instance and test emails should work i.e. this command run on your Monica host results in you receiving an email:

php artisan monica:test-email

If not start here: mail settings (Monica docs)

First let's test monica_reminder - don't worry this won't save or send any emails:

# Choose:
# If Monica is running in a container called 'monica':
CONTAINER=monica LOGDIR=- DRYRUN=true monica_reminder
# Or if running on bare metal/VM:
cd [MONICA BASE DIR e.g. /var/www/html]
LOGDIR=- DRYRUN=true monica_reminder

LOGDIR=- sends logs to stdout and DRYRUN=true means no email will be sent and no state will be saved. CONTAINER causes monica-reminder to relaunch itself inside the named container via podman or docker.

If you experience errors than look at the configuration section below but if Monica is setup correctly than much of the configuration will default ok.

Check if the output looks correct based on the reminders you might expect for your contacts. If it's all ok you're almost ready to run monica-reminder regularly.

The final consideration is that on the first run it may send out a lot of emails as it starts from nothing. This might be ok but if you don't want to bombard your users you can instead do a one-off catch-up with emails disabled:

# Choose:
# If Monica is running in a container called 'monica':
CONTAINER=monica TODAY=yesterday NOSEND=true monica_reminder
# Or if running on bare metal/VM:
TODAY=yesterday NOSEND=true monica_reminder

TODAY=yesterday tells monica-reminder to work as if it was running yesterday, thus clearing the backlog before today's run.

Now we're ready. To ensure you get daily reminders schedule a cron job/systemd service on your host to simply run:

# Choose:
# If Monica is running in a container called 'monica':
CONTAINER=monica monica_reminder
# Or if running on bare metal/VM:

Here's an example systemd service unit file monica_reminder.service:

Description=Monica Reminder

ExecStart=/bin/env bash -c 'CONTAINER=$CONTAINER monica_reminder'


...and the corresponding timer file monica_reminder.time to fire at 6 a.m. (or next nearest possible time):

Description=Monica Reminder Daily

OnCalendar=*-*-* 06:00:00



Monica-reminder relies on environment variables for configuration. Some are required but may be part of your Monica setup already. Others are optional for testing and doing dry runs etc.

Required Configuration

Monica-reminder needs to reach the Monica database. These environment variables are the same ones Monica uses so should already be set up on your monica host:


For an example see .env.example in the Monica repo.

Optional Configuration

There are several options set through further environment variables that control execution of monica-reminder:


CONTAINER=NAME Instead of running on the host relaunch monica-reminder inside the named container. Any other configuration environment variables will be passed through to the container process.

DRYRUN=true|false If true then don't send any email, don't write any state (default=false). This is to allow a user to see what will happen without consequences. Useful to combine with LOGDIR=- so logs are written to stdout and/or TODAY to see what would happen on a different day.

TODAY=YYYY-MM-DD Change what monica-reminder thinks of as 'today', by default it will ask the system for the date. This allows you to see what it will do on any date in the past/present. Might want to combine with DRYRUN and/or LOGDIR=-. It can accept any date format unstandable by date.

NOSEND=true|false If true send no email (default=false). This will process reminders and remember what it has been seen but will simply not send any email. Useful if you want monica-reminder to 'catch-up' on reminders but don't want to be bombarded with email. This is ideal for a first run where you don't want to receive a lot of emails for events that have just passed.

LOGDIR=/PATH|- Set a path for where monica-reminder should log or to use stdout use -. Default is /var/www/html/storage/logs which is correct for the official Docker container. Monica-reminder will create a log file for each run postfixed with a timestamp.

LOGROTATEDAY=10 Monica-reminder will rotate its own logs deleting those older than the number of days specified here. Default is 10 days.

DATA_HOME=/PATH Base path for monica-reminder to save its state. The default is /var/www/html/storage which is correct for the official Docker container. It will create a dir inside this dir called monica_reminder and simply touch a file for each reminder, user and reminder date it has seen. This prevents monica-reminder repeating itself. It will automatically delete old state so the dir cannot grow indefinately.

MONICABASEDIR=/PATH Path to the Monica install, the default is the current working dir. This should be correct for running monica-reminder in your monica container. If running on bare metal/VM you could switch to the correct dir before running monica-reminder instead of setting this var. The correct path is /var/www/html in the standard container or whereever the artisan file is located.

How it Works

Monica-reminder's flow is:

  • Check what day it is TODAY (can be configured, see below)
  • Fetch all events and users from the Monica database
  • For each event and each user:
    • If it's a repeating event calculate the nearest occurence to today.
    • Consult our saved state in DATA_HOME - if we've already sent the expected reminders skip it.
    • Any reminders due for the future can be ignored.
    • If the event is too far in the past (1 month) mark it as dealt with and ignore it.
    • Send any reminders that should have sent before TODAY with the subject prefixed with "[LATE]". Mark them as dealt with.
    • Send any reminder due today and mark them as dealt with.

Monica-reminder relies on its saved state in DATA_HOME to remember what is has done in the past so as not to repeat itself. This is simply a directory of files and can be cleared if needed to reset.


Not receiving any email? Ensure this test-email command works first in your instance:

php artisan monica:test-email

Next check monica-reminder's logs at LOGDIR (default /var/www/html/storage/logs) for any issues. If it is running ok it may just be the case that no reminders are due right now.


  • Remove restrictions and pain points:
    • If a reminder interval is longer than the frequency on an event (e.g. 30 day reminder for a weekly event) than don't send that reminder as it'll always be late.
    • Respect reminder intervals set per user. Note there seems to be a bug in Monica that users share reminder intervals though the DB table hints that they can be set per user(?)
    • Allow cutoff to be configurable
    • Disable Monica's own reminder handling
  • Change email template to include a link to contact. The link is not available from the database, it appears to be a route calculated inside Monica unf. Can we just plug into the existing code that sends reminder emails so we also gain translations?
  • Test if monica-reminder works with 'stay in touch' reminders "Stay in Touch", cron, and database connection issues · Issue #4842 · monicahq/monica


It's great that you're interested in contributing. Please ask questions by raising an issue and PRs will be considered. For full details see


We declare our licensing by following the REUSE specification - copies of applicable licenses are stored in the LICENSES directory. Here is a summary:

  • Source code is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.
  • Anything else that is not executable, including the text when extracted from code, is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0.
  • Where we use a range of copyright years it is inclusive and shorthand for listing each year individually as a copyrightable year in its own right.

For more accurate information, check individual files.

monica-reminder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.