[x] btns redirect to the right page (webs => /posts/webs .... etc )
[ ] replace route for ~/ - src @components - comopenents
[x] create page post
[ ] refactor ui page post
[x] change icon twitter for github with link to github if exist respotory
[ ] in home only show post with tag of the last post view ( SSR - Look Solution)
[x] add tag to post
[ ] created new posts
[ ] in below section all posts create filter with link -> /posts/:{category}
[ ] abstraction of tilte (new - allposts - tilte_of_tag)
[ ] refactor compoenten postlist
[x] in PostList change title for <a></a>
with url of post
[ ] ___ implement post save to watch latter in localStorage
[ ] Create function that return post
[ ] mobile view