Releases: IUREDCap/redcap-etl-module
Releases · IUREDCap/redcap-etl-module
REDCap-ETL Module 1.2.2
- Upgraded the REDCap-ETL dependency to 1.4.4:
REDCap-ETL Module 1.2.1
- Added options for adding DAG (Data Access Group) and file fields for auto-generation of transformation rules
- Added help for transformation rules auto-generation
- Changed API URLs in ETL configurations to be calculated dynamically, so that if you migrate or clone a REDCap instance with the REDCap-ETL Module, the module will automatically reference the new REDCap instance
REDCap-ETL Module 1.2.0
- Added support for PostgreSQL as a database where extracted REDCap data can be loaded
REDCap-ETL Module 1.1.0
- Added support for SQL Server as a database where extracted REDCap data can be loaded
- Added logging for admins
- Added option to generate form complete fields for auto-generation of transformation rules
- Removed ability to show database passwords in ETL configurations (for security reasons)
REDCap-ETL Module 1.0.0
Initial repo submission version
REDCap-ETL Module 0.0.6
Initial public beta release.