MA is a novel open source application for the efficient and accurate alignment of short and long reads of various sequencers. The approach has a highly modular architecture and everyone is invited to propose/integrate new modules. The design aims at a smooth Python integration, while keeping the performance delivered by C++. So, the general idea is the coupling of several C++-modules via Python, where each module does a different part of the alignment process. Good module combinations are finally coupled under the roof of a single C++ application.
Many aligners conceptually incorporate the following 3 stage approach:
- Seeding. Computation of perfect matches (or with few mismatches) using some form of indexing mechanism or hashing.
- Coupling. Identification of promising seed subsets that could lead to an optimal alignment. A popular technique for this task is chaining.
- Dynamic Programming. Closing of remaining gaps between seeds and extension of the outer end points given by the seeds.
MA stays with this basic pattern, but it relies on novel algorithmic solutions for the stages 1 and 2.
MA introduces a divide and conquer approach for seeding on the foundation of the FMD-Index. The
advantage of this variant of seeding is the reduction of the overall number of seeds compared to the
classical FMD-index based extension used in BWA-MEM. One could expect
that such a reduction of the number of seeds hurts an aligner's accuracy. But this
is only true, if we loose significant and insignificant seeds at equal rates. And, as this latter
statement already suggests, the divide and conquer variant promotes significant seeds.
In stage 2 we come up with two new ideas. First, the strip of consideration (SoC) and,
second, seed harmonization. Both techniques are simple line-sweeps that iterate over a
set of seeds. The SoC is used in order to quickly identify promising regions on the reference,
while the seed harmonization purges contradicting
seeds by relying on a virtual guide line. The highlights of these approaches are: No specially
tailored data structures required. Highly efficient. Easy to implement (roughly 50 lines Pseudocode).
An installer for MA on Windows 7/10 (64 bit) is available
After installing MA, start the GUI and build an FMD-index using the menu entry
Genome->Create Index
or the F2
Then, follow the Quickstart
description in the upper-right corner for computing alignments.
The below procedure was checked on a fresh Debian 9.4 Stretch with the following additional
packages installed: git
, cmake
, make
and build-essential
Get the github clone and use cmake (at least version 3.8) for building. This can be done via:
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
# see section Python Integration and WITH_DB below
MA can be installed using bioconda via:
conda install ma
Get the github clone via:
git clone
Then, MA can be build via the cmake
support of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
Test your installation with:
./maCMD -h
You should see the help screen of MA.
In order to perform alignments you need to precompute an index of your reference genome first. This is done using following command:
./maCMD --Create_Index <fasta_file_name>,<output_folder>,<index_name>
: filepath (filename) of the Fasta file holding the genome used for index creation.
: folderpath (foldername) of the location used for index storage.
: name used for identifying the new FMD-Index. In the context of alignments,
the genome-name is used for FMD-index selection.
Now you can align using the following command:
./maCMD -x <index_name> -i <fasta_in> -o <sam_out>
is a FASTA or FASTQ file containing the queries.
is the filename of the output file that shall be created.
MA is built with Python support, if cmake can locate a valid python installation (at least version 3.5).
The Python integration of MA is done via pybind11.
Alignments using the Python integration can be done without a computational penalty,
since Python is only responsible for an initial C++-module
coupling, while all actual computations are done within the C++-modules. The idea is similar
to the one used in the context of TensorFlow.
The Python integration has to be enabled using -DWITH_PYTHON=ON
MSV - The Modular SV Caller relies on a PostgreSQL Database. This DB is not required for MA and can therefore be disabled while compiling MA.
For getting zLib support cmake has to find the appropriate zLib libraries.
On Debian/Ubuntu you have to run apt-get install zlib1g-dev
On Windows the libraries are available via the zLib homepage.
zLib support can be disabled using -DWITH_ZLIB=OFF
The GUI version is additionally build to the command line version,
if cmake
can find support for wxWidgets.
On Debian/Ubuntu, wxWidgets can be installed via apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev
On Windows wxWidgets must be downloaded from the wxWidgets homepage.
The building of the GUI can be disabled using -DWITH_GUI=OFF
Version 2.0.2:
- fix for the artifact filter, that removes seeds too far from the median delta distance of all seads in a harmonized SoC. Now the filter only removes seeds if this is advantageous to the SW score of the alignment.
Version 2.0.1:
- Revision for MSV - no changes to MA.
Version 2.0.0:
- MA now uses seeds to recognize inversions:
In the internal reference genome representation, forward and reverse strand have been folded together. This makes it possible to collect forward and reverse strand seeds in the same SoC (SoC shape changed from parallelogram to rectangle to accommodate the folded reverse strand seeds). The harmonization is then applied multiple times, in order to extract all sets of mutually consistent seeds. If these sets do not overlap each other on the read, the smaller sets are reported as supplementary alignments.
These changes are what makes MA capable of recognizing Off-Diagonal Inversions, Inverted Duplications and Nested Inversions as shown in Fig. 2 of [Preprint] State-of-the-art structural variant calling: What went conceptually wrong and how to fix it?. - Version 2.0.0 is an experimental release.
- Via the python integration, MA is now capable of using Minimizers as well as the algorithms presented in A performant bridge between fixed-size and variable-size seeding in its seeding stage.
These changes were made during the development of MSV - The Modular SV Caller.
Version 1.1.1:
- MA can now recognize short inversions too. A z-drop based heuristic is used as algorithmic approach for inversion recognition. Regions between seeds showing a z-drop are reverse complemented and realigned using DP. If the DP-score is sufficiently high, the region is accepted as inversion and a supplementary alignment is provided using the computed DP-path. Similar approaches are used by other aligners too.
- Minor bug fixes.
========================================= The Modular Aligner =========================================
Available presettings:
-p, --Presetting <name> [Default] Optimize aligner parameters for a selected
sequencing technique. Available presettings are:
'Default', 'Illumina', 'Illumina_Paired',
'Nanopore', 'PacBio'.
General options: (these options are not affected by presettings)
-x, --Index <file_name> [] Filename of FMD-index. (A FMD-index can be
generated via the --Create_Index option.) This
option must be set.
-i, --In <file_name> [] Filenames of Fasta/Fastq files containing reads.
gz-compressed files are automatically decompressed.
Multiple files can be specified by a comma
separated list. One file name must be provided at
-m, --Mate_In <file_name> [] Filenames of the mates in the case of paired reads.
If this option is set, the aligner switches to
paired mode automatically. The number of reads
given as mates must match the accumulated number of
reads provided via the 'in'-option.
-X, --Create_Index <fasta_file_name,output_folder,index_name> []
Generate a FMD-index for a Fasta file.
'fasta_file_name' has to be the file-path of the
Fasta file holding the genome used for index
creation. 'output_folder' is the folder-path of the
location used for index storage. 'index_name' is
the name used for identifying the new FMD-Index. In
the context of alignments, the genome-name is used
for FMD-index selection.
-o, --SAM_File_name <file_name> [ma_out.sam]
Name of the SAM file that is used for the output of
-t, --Number_of_Threads <int> [4] Number of threads used in the context of
-h, --Help <bool> [true] Print the complete help text.
Paired Reads options:
--Use_Paired_Reads <bool> [false] For paired reads set this flag to true.
-d, --Mean_Distance_of_Paired_Reads <double> [400]
Two reads can be paired, if they are within mean +-
(standard deviation)*3 distance from one another on
the expected strands (depends on Use Mate Pair
on/off) Used in the context of the computation of
the mapping quality and for picking optimal
alignment pairs.
-S, --Standard_Deviation_of_Paired_Reads <double> [150]
<val> represents the standard deviation for the
distance between paired reads. Used in the context
of the computation of the mapping quality and for
picking optimal alignment pairs.
--Score_Factor_for_Paired_Reads <double> [1.25]
This factor is multiplied to the score of
successfully paired reads. Used in the context of
the computation of the mapping quality and for
picking optimal alignment pairs. <val> < 1 results
in penalty; <val> > 1 results in bonus.
--Check_for_Consistency <bool> [false] Check if both paired read files comprise the same
number of reads. (Intended for debugging.)
Seeding options:
-s, --Seeding_Technique <name> [maxSpan] Technique used for the initial seeding. Available
techniques are: maxSpan and SMEMs.
-l, --Minimal_Seed_Length <int> [16] All seeds with size smaller than 'minimal seed
length' are discarded.
--Minimal_Ambiguity <int> [0] During the extension of seeds using the FMD-index:
With increasing extension width, the number of
occurrences of corresponding seeds on the reference
monotonically decreases. Keep extending, while the
number of occurrences is higher than 'Minimal
--Maximal_Ambiguity <int> [100] Discard seeds that occur more than 'Maximal
ambiguity' time on the reference. Set this option
to zero in order to disable it.
--Skip_Ambiguous_Seeds <bool> [false] Enabled: Discard all seeds that are more ambiguous
than <Maximal Ambiguity>. Disabled: sample <Maximal
Ambiguity> random seeds from too ambiguous seeds.
--Seeding_Drop-off_A_-_Minimal_Seed_Size <int> [15]
Heuristic runtime optimization: For a given read R,
let N be the number of seeds of size >= <val>.
Discard R, if N < <length(R)> * <Seeding drop-off
--Seeding_Drop-off_B_-_Factor <double> [0.005]
Heuristic runtime optimization: Factor for seed
drop-off calculation. For more information see the
parameter Seeding drop-off A.
Strip of Consideration options:
-N, --Maximal_Number_of_SoCs <int> [30] Consider the <val> best scored SoCs merely. 0 =
Consider all SoCs.
-M, --Minimal_Number_of_SoCs <int> [1] Always consider the first <val> SoCs no matter the
Heuristic optimizations. Increasing this parameter
might improve the quality of supplementary
--Fixed_SoC_Width <int> [0] Set the SoC width to a fixed value. 0 = use the
formula given in the paper. (for debugging
SAM Output options:
-n, --Maximal_Number_of_Reported_Alignments <int> [0]
Do not output more than <val> alignments. Set to
zero for unlimited output.
--Minimal_Alignment_Score <int> [75] Suppress the output of alignments with a score
below <val>.
--Omit_Secondary_Alignments <bool> [false] Suppress the output of secondary alignments.
--Omit_Supplementary_Alignments <bool> [false]
Suppress the output of supplementary alignments.
--Maximal_Supplementary_Overlap <double> [0.1]
A non-primary alignment A is considered
supplementary, if less than <val> percent of A
overlap with the primary alignment on the query.
Otherwise A is considered secondary.
--Number_Supplementary_Alignments <int> [1]
Maximal Number of supplementary alignments per
primary alignment.
--Emulate_NGMLR's_tag_output <bool> [false]
Output SAM tags as NGMLR would. Enable this flag if
you want to use MA in combination with Sniffles.
Enabling this flag will drastically increase the
size of the SAM output file.
--Use_M_in_CIGAR <bool> [false] Disabled: Distinguish matches and mismatches in
CIGARs using '=' and 'X' operations. Enabled: Use
the 'M' operation in CIGARs.
--Output_long_cigars_in_CG_tag <bool> [true]
Some programs crash, if cigars become too long. If
this flag is enabled, the CG:B:I tag is used for
the output of long cigars (cigars with more than
65536 operations).
Heuristics options:
--SoC_Score_Drop-off <double> [0.1] Let x be the maximal encountered SoC score. Stop
harmonizing SoCs if there is a SoC with a score
smaller than <val>*x.
--Minimal_Harmonization_Score <int> [18] Discard all harmonized SoCs with scores smaller
than <val>. Only keep detected inversions with a
score >= <val> * <Match Score>.
--Relative_Minimal_Harmonization_Score <double> [0.002]
Discard all harmonized SoCs with scores smaller
than length(read)*<val>.
--Harmonization_Drop-off_A_-_Score_Difference <double> [0.0001]
Let x be the maximal encountered harmonization
score. Stop harmonizing further SoCs, if
<Harmonization Drop-off B> many SoCs with scores
below x - <readlength> * <val> occur consecutively.
--Harmonization_Drop-off_B_-_Lookahead <int> [3]
See Harmonization Drop-off A.
--Harmonization_Score_Drop-off_-_Minimal_Query_Length <int> [800]
For reads of length >= <val>: Ignore all SoCs with
harmonization scores smaller than the current
maximal score. 0 = disabled.
--Artifact_Filter_A_-_Maximal_Delta_Distance <double> [0.1]
Filter a seed, if the difference between the delta
distance to its predecessor and successor is less
then <val> percent (set to 1 to disable filter) and
the delta distance to its pre- and successor is
more than <Artifact Filter B> nt.
--Artifact_Filter_B_-_Minimal_Delta_Distance <int> [16]
See Artifact Filter A
--Pick_Local_Seed_Set_A_-_Enabled <bool> [false]
Enable this flag for local seed set computation.
(See Pick_Local_Seed_Set_B)
--Pick_Local_Seed_Set_B_-_Optimistic_Gap_Estimation <bool> [true]
After the harmonization MA checks weather it is
possible to compute a positively scored alignment
from the seed set. Gaps between seeds can be
estimated in two ways: Optimistic [true]: Assume
that the gap can be filled using merely matches and
a single insertion/deletion. Pessimistic [false]:
Assume that the gap can be filled using matches and
mismatches that add up to a score of 0 and a single
--Pick_Local_Seed_Set_C_-_Maximal_Gap_Penalty <int> [100]
Maximal gap cost penalty during local seed set
--Maximal_Gap_Size <int> [20] If the gap between seeds is larger than <val> on
query or reference, a dual extension process is
used for filling the gap. Dual extension is more
expensive, if the extension does not Z-drop, but
more efficient otherwise.
--Minimum_Genome_Size_for_Heuristics <int> [10000000]
Some heuristics can only be applied on genomes of
sufficient size. The parameter disables the SoC
score Drop-off, if the genome is shorter than
--Disable_All_Heuristics <bool> [false] Disables all runtime heuristics. (For debugging
Dynamic Programming options:
--Match_Score <int> [2] Match score. (Used in the context of Dynamic
Programming and for SoC width computation.)
--Mismatch_Penalty <int> [4] Penalty for mismatch.
--Gap_penalty <int> [4] First penalty for gap opening. (Two piece affine
gap costs)
--Extend_Penalty <int> [2] First penalty for gap extension. (Two piece affine
gap costs)
--Second_Gap_Penalty <int> [24] Second penalty for gap opening. (Two piece affine
gap costs)
--Second_Extend_Penalty <int> [1] Second penalty for gap extension. (Two piece affine
gap costs)
--Padding <int> [1000] If an alignment does not reach its read's
endpoints, the missing parts can be computed via
dynamic programming. If the length of the missing
parts is smaller than 'Padding', dynamic
programming is used to extend the alignment towards
the endpoints of the read. Otherwise, the unaligned
parts of the read are ignored and the alignment
stays unextended.
--Bandwidth_for_Extensions <int> [512] Bandwidth used in the context of the extension of
an alignment towards the endpoints of its read.
(See 'Padding')
--Minimal_Bandwidth_in_Gaps <int> [20] Gaps between seeds are generally filled using
dynamic programming. This option determines the
minimal bandwidth used in the context of fillin
--Z_Drop <int> [200] If the running score during dynamic programming
drops faster than <val> stop the extension process.
--Detect_Small_Inversions <bool> [false] Use dynamic programming to search for small
inversions that do not contain any seeds. (Flag
disabled = off)
--Z_Drop_Inversions <int> [100] Check for an inversion, if the running score during
dynamic programming drops faster than <val>.
MA relies on the hard work of other projects. These are:
- Dynamic programming with static band:
- Parts of the code for FMD-index creation and extension were picked from
Many thanks to the creators and contributors of the above projects ...
For citing MA, please use:
Schmidt, M., Heese, K. & Kutzner, A. Accurate high throughput alignment via line sweep-based seed processing. Nature Communications 10, 1939, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09977-2 (2019).
MA was initiated and is maintained by Markus Schmidt and Arne Kutzner.