conda create --name VideoInp python=3.7.10
conda activate VideoInp
conda install pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision=0.8.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
Datasets are created from a set of image frames. If you have a video, the video has to be first transformed into a sequence of frame images. This can be done using ffmpeg utils
ffmpeg -i video_a.mp4 ./video_frames/tennis/frames/%05d.jpg -hide_banner
A mask image must be manually created. A sample mask can be found in ./video_frames/mask.png
The datasets are composed by the inputs to the net and the ground truth.
- inputs
- The masked optical flow (forward and backward)
- The masks
- The ground truth
- the ground truth optical flow (forward and backward)
The script
also creates additional files not needed (yet).
- The Ground Truth frames (the non-masked frames)
In order to create the dataset from a set of image frames (in the repository you have a already created a set of images in video_frames/tennis), runs the following script
cd ingestion
python --in_root_dir ../video_frames --out_dir ../dataset --masking_mode same_template --template_mask ../masks/mask.png --apply_mask_before --H 256 --W 480 --nLevels 2
other examples for creating datasets: From Notion Download Raw dataset davis_no_mask. Uncompress the file into ./raw/
Now create the dataset
python --in_root_dir ../raw/davis_no_mask/ --out_dir ../built/davis_no_mask_multiscale --masking_mode same_template --template_mask ../masks/no_mask.png --H 256 --W 480 --nLevels 3
To run trainings for dataset "dataset":
cd ..
python ./configs/example_1.json
python ./configs/example_2.json
To run trainings for dataset "davis_no_mask":
cd ..
python ./configs/example_3.json
python ./configs/example_4.json
After each epoch, see results in ./verbose/training_out
In order to compare two different models use the streamlit app
cd UI_verbose
streamlit run ../verbose/training_out/
Streamlit_app reads from '../verbose/training_out/' the output of the trainings and shows in a web.