All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Removed new user alert cron job
- IN-CORE release 6.0.0
- Add more allowed method to CORS
- Add IN-CORE Studio deployment
- Add IN-CORE Studio configMap
- Add IN-CORE user approval application
- Add extra variables for datawolf
- Changed new user alert cron job schedule to central time
- Project service has been added
- Add additional service urls to the environment variablees of project service
- Add cronjob for alerting new user registration
- IN-CORE release 5.0.0
- Update registration and reset password link in playbooks
- Use correct mongodb uri secret in auth service
- Upgraded postgresql to bitnami/postgresql:15.5.11. This requires an upgrade of the database, which can be done using a dump and restore.
- Updated keycloak theme to 1.1.0 that has email theme
- Minor release to correct the chart version number
- Fix missing keycloak admin username for cronjob
- IN-CORE release 5.4.0
- Custom theme to Keycloak login page
- Upgraded Keycloak to 24.0.4
- Added Google Analytics information
- IN-CORE release 5.3.1
- middleware for traefik is now under
- New playbooks using incore-playbook 0.6.5 and configuration accordingly
- IN-CORE release 5.3.0
- Update configuration for SLC Retrofit Strategy Builder
- Update slc regions and remove additional sector
- Update labels for Joplin Retrofit Strategy Builder
- Update number of CPUs for best performance
- Update Galveston configuration CPU number to acheive best performance
- Fix space and max num of condition config for Galveston Playbooks
- Fix config for Galveston and SLC Playbooks
- IN-CORE release 5.2.0
- Updated map bounding box order for community app
- New playbooks using incore-playbook 0.6.3 and configuration accordingly
- Upgraded maestro service
- IN-CORE release 5.1.0
- Increase max zoom level of playbook maps
- IN-CORE release 5.0.0
- Added MONGODB_URI to auth deployment
- IN-CORE release 4.8.1
- IN-CORE release 4.8.0
- Removed Geoserver from the chart
- Added script to update jupyterhub charts
- IN-CORE release 4.7.0
- Geoserver uses the official image instead of custom-built image
- IN-CORE release 4.6.0
- Geoserver updated to 2.23.1
- Seperated Jupyterhub from charts in order to upgrade them separately
- IN-CORE release 4.5.0
- Removed usergroup sync for allocation
- IN-CORE release 4.2.0
- add X-Auth-User header
- Removed LDAP
- IN-CORE release 4.1.0
- Removed version tag cronjob
- Updated playbook config files
- Added maestro user sync
- Added playbook configmap
- update playbook to 0.2.0
- IN-CORE release 4.0.0
- Use datawolf subchart
- Updated maestro service
- Incore release 3.7.0
- Added SLC playbook template
- Added Joplin playbook template
- Added Galveston playbook tempate
- Incore release 3.6.0
- Renamed container name for jupyter hub and lab
- Added auth_role and auth_group env variables to authenticator
- Used wrong name for traefik middleware
- Update keycloak to 18.3.0
- Enable traefik v2 middleware
- Incore release 3.5.0
- Upgrade postgresql to 11 (requires a dump/restore of the database)
- Upgrade keyclock to 17.0.1
- Incore release 3.2.0
- Added usergroups sync from ldap to database
- Changed space service's livenessProb endpoint
- Fixed pyincore-data's documentation
- Pyincore-viz 1.5.1 release
- Pyincore 1.4.1 release
- Incore release 3.1.0.
- Disabled jupyterhub user scheduler to make incore-lab spawns from random node.
- Incore release 3.0.0
- Added common_mongo_uri variable to incore services
- Incore release 2.8.0
- Made IP2Location variable in incore-auth
- Added maestro service deployment
- Incore release 2.7.0
- Make quotas for jupyterhub configurable
- Incore release 2.6.0
- Changed datawolf's max pool size
- Incore release 2.5.1
- Incore release 2.5.0
- Added plotting-service deployment
- Added pyincore-data doc deployment
- Added hazard service url environmental variable to data service
- Incore release 2.3.0
- Enable semantics live/ready checks
- Incore service hotfix 1.2.1
- Pyincore-viz hotfix 1.1.1
- Incore docs hotfix 2.2.1
- Incore ui hotfix 0.9.3
- Incore release 2.2.0
- Upgrade jupyterhub to 0.11
- Enable initial implementation of quota for jupyterlab
- Updated playbook ingress version
- Incore service hotfix 1.1.1
- Incore release 2.1.0
- Cors filter is now a list of hosts
- Datawolf and playbook added to the chart
- Jupyterhub configuration changed:
- Removed home ownership -R option in singleuser
- Documentation updates:
- Updated incore documents to 2.0.2
- Documentation updates:
- Fixed broken Jupyter Notebook examples
- Fixed fragility curves with SD as demand type in DFR3 service
This is the first release of the helm chart for INCORE 2.0.0