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2020 Summer Assessment

John Moehrke edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

Retrospective analysis by ITI members

What Went well?

These are things that were good/great/amazing. Things we could 'continue doing.'

  • we did publish in html
  • we did supplement and whitepaper in markdown with path to publication in html
  • members stepped up and made it excellent (IUA, html navigation framework, etc)
  • move toward html publishing will be seen by others
  • youtube webinars were released to public and promoted
  • virtual face-to-face this week went very well (first attempt was not)
  • coffee was much better

What could we improve?

These are areas that we feel were 'okay', but just didn't satisfy ourselves. We liked them and think they could be improved.

  • html publishing is messy and not easy
  • CP integration process will be harder due to the skill set needed to edit markdown and html
  • IHE promotion of ITI stuff (noted that IHE EU has regular news promotions)
  • IHE scheduling over conflicts
  • engaging participants using our works to get them engaged. Might be good to focus on targeted work.
    • IUA might be a good opportunity for recruitment.
    • HIE might be a good opportunity for recruitment of HIE vendors or deployments (HIMSS, OpenHIE, etc)
  • co-working between committee and connectathon to produce test plans, tools, procedures. (MHDS family)

What didn't work?

These are the things that just flat out didn’t go right, should not continue, or made us feel bad/sad. Sometimes you stop doing those things, sometimes you double down.

  • github is not easy, but has proven beneficial
  • zoom mute
  • prior quarters intended to work on IUA. this quarter had good input

What will we focus on for the next period?

It’s critical to choose only one or two areas of focus. To prioritize you can vote (dot voting) for the above items. There are always more things that we’d like to improve than we can focus on. Focusing on less is key (just like with product goals/initiatives!).

  • capturing lessons learned use of github and markdown; and education needs
  • github management. especially locking down appropriately . Tagging released versions
  • public comment resolution
  • how to fold in IG published into html publication (e.g. MHD in IG form, relative to the html version1, 2, 3)
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