Run the following commands from within the directory.
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan --var-file=var.tfvars
$ terraform apply -var-file=var.tfvars
Note: Terraform Version should be ~>1.2.0
Now wait for the installation to complete. It may take around 20 mins to complete provisioning.
On successful install cluster details will be printed as shown below.
bastion_ip = [
bastion_public_ip = [
tang_ip = "193.168.*.*,193.168.*.*,193.168.*.*"
These details can be retrieved anytime by running the following command from the root folder of the code
$ terraform output
In case of any errors, you'll have to re-apply.
Once the deployment is completed successfully, you can connect to bastion node and fetch keys for every tang server
$ cat /root/tang-keys/allnodes.txt
Destroy the Tang Cluster
$ terraform destroy -var-file var.tfvars
If you encounter errors - use TF_LOG=debug <COMMAND>