1.2 - 2020-05-13
- Added original icon source files.
- Added support for long file names.
- Cleaned up internal cluster chain functions.
- Cleaned up internal FAT12 functions.
- Changed the GUI's source file name.
- Updated the build script to distinguish between bit architectures.
- Fixed several subdirectory bugs.
- Fixed several cluster chain bugs.
1.1 - 2020-04-23
- Added icons to the GUI.
- Added bare minimum support for subdirectories.
- Added support for Linux.
- Cleaned up the GUI to be more user-friendly.
- Rewrote the build script in Python to be cross-platform compatible.
- Fixed a problem where finding the next even or odd cluster was broken.
- Fixed blurry fonts in the GUI on newer versions of Windows.
- Initial release committed.