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Jayson Harshbarger edited this page Sep 7, 2015 · 3 revisions


There are several advantages to signals over event emitters (see Comparison between different Observer Pattern implementations). Theoretically signals should be faster than standard API event emitters. However, the current implementation of js-signals is (arguably) slow compared to EventEmitter3. I thought I could do better.


Linked lists and v8 optimizations. One issue impacting other event micro-frameworks is v8 engine Optimization-killers particularly unsafe use of the arguments. mini-signals calls listeners functions in a optimization safe way.



Is it really faster in the real world?

This is the real world... but yeah, benchmarks can be misleading. See Performance and benchmarking.

Can I help?

Yes, please try it out, give feedback. I'd like to make solid decisions in the core API before 1.0.0.