- Run the following and follow the instructions :
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HugoDemaret/Traefik-docker/main/auto_installer.sh
sudo bash auto_installer.sh
- To start Traefik run :
sudo bash start.sh
- Install docker and docker compose
apt-get install docker docker-compose
- Copy this repository
git clone https://github.com/HugoDemaret/Traefik-docker.git
Replace your.url in docker-compose.yml by your URL
Set the path to your installation in docker-compose.yml
Set your email address in traefik.toml
Run the authcreate.sh script and follow the instructions
sudo bash auth_create.sh
Replace name_of_user:hashed_password by the user name and the hash generated previously
Create a file named acme.json and set its permissions to 600
touch acme.json
chmod 600 acme.json
- Create a docker network named "expose-network"
docker network create expose-network --subnet=
- Modify the path (in start.sh) and run start.sh
sudo bash start.sh
- Improve the current README.md file by making it more readable and user-friendly :
- Make a windows version