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Kasylia edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the dubtrack-bot-commands wiki!

All the Commands Waddie has are listed here in order of who can use what command.


Command Function
!hello Makes the bot welcome you.
!song Gives the information on the Current song.
!join makes you join the Roulette ( can only be used when a roulette is active )
!props Gives props to the DJ that is playing the current song (props will be given at the end of the song).
!myprops Shows how many props you have collected.
!rules Gives you a link to our Community rules (read them ❗).
!dubplus Gives information about the Dubtrack extension. ''DUB+''
!givedememotes Gives information about the Dubtrack extension. ''givedememotes''
!background Gives you a list of user-submitted backgrounds.
!css Gives you a list of user-submitted CSS stylesheets.
!animelist Gives you a list of user-submitted animes.
!queue Gives you a link that shows how to queue a song.
!ping Pong.
!pong Ping.
!english Tell someone to speak english.
!shush Tell someone to not ask for skips.
!videocheck Check where the current video, or some other video, is blocked.
!love% Lets you see how much love% you have with a certain user.
!lastplayed Lets you see when this song was last played.
!androidapp Gives you information about the unofficial Dubtrack app.
!cookie Gives you a cookie.
!clear Shows you how to clear chat. This helps if your browser gets laggy.
!commands Gives you a link to the Page of Commands (this page).
!join Join the roulette (if any).
!guess Guess the word on a scramble (if any).
!export Shows information on how to export your playlist to YouTube.
!streamers Shows a list of streamers in the community, and whenever they are live on TwitchTV.
!discord Gives you a link invite to our Discord server.
!repository Gives you a link to the BOT's repository.
!blacklist Gives you a link to the blacklist, a list of songs that guide you on what shouldn't be played.

RDJ commands

Command Function
!catfact Gives you a cat fact.

MOD commands

Command Function
!mute Mutes an user for a set amount of time.
!timeout Times out an user for a set amount of time.
!ban Bans a certain user from the room.
!kick Kick a certain user from the room.
!roulette [duration] [entry fee] Starts a roulette.
!roulettestop Stops the current roulette, if any.
!roulettecheck Check when mod is able to run next roulette.
!scramble [duration] [reward] [word length] Starts a scramble.
!scramblestop Stops the current scramble, if any.
!scramblecheck Check when mod is able to run next scramble.
!move Moves the mentioned user to a certain spot, (!move @example 15).
!setcd Sets the cooldown of a command.
!setimgtime Sets a cooldown for images.
!setimgspamamount Sets a maximum amount of images an user can send on a thread of messages.
!setimgremovemutetime Sets the amount of minutes users get muted if they pass the max amount of images filter.
!imgremovemutetime Sets the amount of minutes users get muted if they send an image with too few dubs.
!imgdubsamount Lets you know how much dubs you need to post an img in chat.
!setbanphraseignorespaces Sets whenever banphrase detection should ignore spaces or not.

Mods can use all commands.

Things to keep in mind.

  • Users without a role have a global cooldown on commands. That cooldown is 1 minute long.
  • Resident-DJ's have a global cooldown on commands. That cooldown in 30 seconds long.
  • MODs have no cooldown on commands.
  • Remember that to use a command, you have to type an ! mark first. Also the BOT is Case Sensitive, so don't try to use an command with Capslock on as it won't work.
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